
Have You Been Paying Attention?: Aug 16

Guests: Mick Molloy, Alex Ward and Anne Edmonds.

Guests on Monday’s Have You Been Paying Attention? are Mick Molloy, Alex Ward and Anne Edmonds.

Mick Molloy, the audacious radio star that keeps us laughing at the tail end of a weekday, will return to his sacred bottom-left position on Monday to bring us up to speed on the latest buzz topics.

Fellow comedians Alex Ward and Anne Edmonds are back for a crack at the Have You Been Paying Attention? glory.

Strapped with a fresh batch of topical questions, Quizmaster Tom Gleisner will be at the helm to ensure we emerge with a rightful winner.

Our money’s on anyone other than series regulars Sam Pang and Ed Kavalee.

8:40pm Monday on 10.

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