
Airdate: Beartown

HBO Nordic drama screens on FOX Showcase this week.

HBO Nordic drama Beartown screens on FOX Showcase this week.

It premiered internationally in January.

A community in Sweden places its dreams of revitalization on the teenage shoulders of its junior ice hockey team; the team finally has a shot at securing a national title until a violent act threatens to destroy Beartown entirely.

8:30pm Tuesday November 2 on FOX Showcase.

5 Responses

  1. Yes, I’ve watched it. It’s been available through Foxtel (On Demand?) for a few weeks now.
    It’s really strong. Sometimes a bit simplistic/too understated but, ultimately, highly watchable.
    The extended hockey sequences are only an entry-point into what it is a really compelling and sensitive human drama. Loved it.

    1. I will be curious to see what you mean by simplistic gottabeabetterword, having watched a few Nordic series the Nordic languages can seem a bit slow and full of intonation. In Swedish, Danish, Icelandic or Norwegian police procedure shows the dilatory nature of murder investigations or finding the missing person can also be quite amusing, thankfully there’s always an obsessed detective in town to save the day.

      1. Yeah, I feel a bit guilty saying ‘simplistic’. What I meant was that sometimes the emotional scenarios were played out a little too quickly. A couple of plot-lines under-developed too (such as the sexuality struggles of one of Kevin’s friends). Needed a bit more ‘texture’. But, with only 5 episodes perhaps they were a little ‘pushed for time’. An 8-ep (or even 6) season might have alleviated that. Great show.

  2. I was going to mention this series in the TV Lounge yesterday (as well as another European series debuting the following week on Showcase). Reviews for this seem strong! Probably a long shot, but has anyone seen it?

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