
Space 22: June 14

Tonight, Eddie Perfect brings his songwriting and singing skills to help participants express their trapped emotions.

Uber-talented Eddie Perfect brings his gifts to Space 22 participants tonight, using music to address issues around mental health.

Playing with lyrics and melodies helps some people share confronting experiences and emotions in ways words often don’t allow. In the final days of the experiment, popular performer Eddie Perfect brings his unique skills in songwriting and singing to help participants express their trapped emotions.

Starting off with a well-known nursery rhyme, Mary Had A Little Lamb, Eddie asks participants to rewrite the lyrics adopting their own take. As they present their individual lyric substitutions to the room, it’s a fun and insightful creative workout revealing something new about each person.

In one of the most magical moments of the series, Eddie takes individual compositions, creating a bespoke melody for each. Hearing the lyrics, they created supported by a beautiful tune is hypnotising, bringing their words to life in ways they could never have imagined.

In the final exercise of the day the participants come together to compose an original song that combines their thoughts about mental illness. This creative process takes them into some uncomfortable spaces not experienced before – as they negotiate disagreements and try to let everyone have a voice.

8pm tonight on ABC.

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