
ABC refers abuse directed at Tony Armstrong to police

“Our journalists should not be attacked or subjected to abuse for doing their jobs," says ABC News boss.

The ABC has notified police over a racist email sent to Tony Armstrong’s ABC address, using racial slurs.

“This shit has gotta stop,” he said on Twitter. “One thing is for certain though, this isn’t guna stop us speaking up or stepping up. Sent to my work email, no less.”

The email refers to the former AFL player as “filthy scum” and an “uneducated dog”, and appears to be a response to Armstrong’s criticism of mining magnate Gina Rinehart for not disavowing her father’s racism towards Indigenous people.

His tweet received a flood of support from colleagues and fans including ABC presenters Michael Rowland, Zan Rowe and Nate Byrne.

Guardian Australia reports ABC News Breakfast presenter appeared on The Project last week and criticised media which sprang to the billionaire’s defence after Hancock Prospecting withdrew a lucrative funding deal from Netball Australia after a players’ revolt against the company.

A proud Gamilaroi man, Armstrong also spoke about the initial lacklustre response to the death of 15-year-old Indigenous boy Cassius Turvey, who was killed in an alleged violent attack in Perth.

ABC’s director of news, Justin Stevens, said, “The ABC is taking a range of actions to support Tony Armstrong, including referring the matter to police.

“We are currently conducting a bigger project on the abuse and harassment of ABC employees, including on social media, and examining all the options open to us to ensure the wellbeing of our people.

“Our journalists should not be attacked or subjected to abuse for doing their jobs.”