
Friday Flashback: Dame Edna: “Disco Matilda””

A look back at Dame Edna's musical rarities.....

YouTube is full of Barry Humphries clips, including a Royal Command Performance which got a love of coverage this week in the media.

Those with long memories will remember Edna’s pop single Every Mother Wants a Boy Like Elton” (below).

But how many remember “Disco Matilda” as performed in the heyday of the disco era, 1979 on Britain’s Top of the Pops?


And in 1994 there was this TV theme….


2 Responses

  1. My favourite show is and always will be of Q&A episode in June 2012 with Barry, Miriam Margoyles, Jackie Weaver, John Hewson and David Marr. He was his hilarious mischievous self causing mayhem and laughter and Tony Jones trying to keep him “in line”. It’s such a shame Q&A it not like that now because it would be more pleasant to watch.
    My favourite twitter comment was :- Yes…Barry sums it up Australia is suffering from inertia…afraid of change and amp: innovation. 😂

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