
Airdate: Outback Farm

A new 7mate series sees first-time farmers sell up everything and move to a 5000-acre farm in the middle of Australia to grow hay in the desert.

New 7mate observational series Outback Farm centres around Anthony and Danyelle Haigh, who start their new life converting a failed, desert farm into a hay growing business and tourist park.

The 6 part series by Prospero Productions (Outback Truckers, Outback Opal Hunters, Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia) and narratd by Jason Donovan.

In the harsh Australian Outback, Danyelle and Anthony Haigh have given up life on the road as water drillers, to offer their two young sons a more settled life. They’ve swapped water drilling for something they’ve never done before – farming!

Selling their home in Queensland, they’ve moved 3,000 kilometres to a remote, ramshackle, 5,000-acre farm, slap bang in the middle of Australia! Out there, it’s harsh, desert country, where temperatures exceed 40 degrees, sudden violent storms destroy crops and livestock and bush fires rage.

The dream for these first-time famers, is to make their fortune by filling a gap in the cattle industry >market by growing hay in the desert.

The debts are huge, and they’ve given themselves just two years to make it a success, Big dreams or a big fat nightmare?

8:30pm Tuesday 22 August on 7mate.

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