★★★★★ 0/5
Gold Diggers: Aug 9
Gert and Marigold’s mother, Colleen, unexpectedly rolls into town with news that the sisters are wanted for murder in Sydney.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
This week on Gold Diggers, Gert and Marigold’s mother, played by Heather Mitchell, makes a surprise visit.
Gert and Marigold’s mother, Colleen, unexpectedly rolls into town with news that the sisters are wanted for murder in Sydney. Her plan for salvation is for Marigold to marry Percy’s wealthy, older brother, Baron, and the trio attend a party at Percy and Fran’s to try and make it happen.
But with a new business venture afoot and romance blossoming with their sweethearts, the sisters are resistant to mummy’s marital scheming. While Fran is prepared to do anything to stop the union happening.
9:10pm ABC on Wednesday.
- Tagged with Gold Diggers
One Response
I have a fairly open mind….and drop the occasional F bomb myself…but this show would be tolerable and funny if not for all the profanity…I doubt people spoke like that back in that era…there were some rough diamonds but a lot of the women were a little bit more “refined”…shows now have a lot of the 4 letter cursers in every episode and it show often goes against the current narrative with younger people who don’t like to be offensive but prefer to be kind to one another and they are using words like lob…k etc….what were the writers thinking?…Comedy shows can and have been made without dropping F…C…and J bombs….seems to be another of the fads and trends people love to latch onto to get attention.