
Airdate: The Yes Experiment

What happens to families when Parents are forced to say "yes" to their Kids for an entire day?

10 will screen a new local series The Yes Experiment in which parents must say Yes to their kids for an entire day.

Executive Producer Kristy Fuller said, “We are thrilled to bring The Yes Experiment to viewers across the nation. This show is a celebration of the power of family bonds, communication, and the magic that happens when parents say ‘yes’ to their children. We believe this series will inspire families to connect on a deeper level and cherish the precious moments they share.”

“The Yes Experiment” explores the revolutionary social experiment that challenges parents to embrace the power of saying “yes” to their children for an entire day. This groundbreaking show aims to shed light on the remarkable transformations that can occur when parents give their kids complete control and undivided attention. The result? An emotional journey filled with touching moments, laughter, and unexpected surprises.

Adding even more excitement to the show is the charming and relatable host, Emmaline Southwell. Emmaline, who accidentally became a TikTok sensation during Melbourne’s lockdown, captured the hearts of thousands with her viral video that was later transformed into the beloved children’s book, “Our Family Pledge.” As a mother of three children herself, Emmaline is the perfect host to guide families through this extraordinary journey of saying “yes” and fostering stronger connections with their children.

“The Yes Experiment” covers a wide range of family scenarios, each with its own unique set of challenges and touching results. In a world filled with distractions, the show highlights the beauty of giving children control and exploring the endless possibilities of their imaginations.

Throughout “The Yes Experiment”, viewers can look forward to a myriad of entertaining moments as families embark on thrilling adventures and engage in activities that capture the essence of the social experiment. From heart-pounding roller coaster rides that have parents screaming with delight to raucous food fights that transform backyards into culinary battlegrounds, the show captures the unbridled joy and laughter of these shared experiences.

Yet not all requests are grand-scale adventures. Sometimes the beauty lies in the smaller asks from the children. For instance, in several episodes the kids ask to put a temporary ban on their parent’s use of their phone for the day, highlighting the importance of giving them that undivided attention and quality time together. Another child asks simply to cook breakfast to demonstrate their desire for additional responsibilities. These instances remind us that the experiment is not just about extravagant adventures but also about fostering trust, communication, and a deeper understanding of one another within the family unit.

“The Yes Experiment” showcases the profound impact of saying “yes” to even the smallest of requests and the transformative power it can have on family relationships.

12:30pm Saturday November 18 on 10.

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