Sunday 4 February 2024

National TV Reach: 1 MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT 2,522,000 2 60 MINUTES 2,045,000 3 SEVEN NEWS 2,016,000 4 9NEWS 1,899,000 5 AUSTRALIAN IDOL 1,872,000

Total People                                                                Total TV Overnight Top 30 Programs

Sun 4th Feb 2024

Rank Description Network Total TV National Reach Total TV National Audience BVOD National Audience
1 MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT -SUN Nine 2,522,000 1,338,000 237,000
2 60 MINUTES Nine 2,045,000 870,000 80,000
3 SEVEN NEWS – SUN Seven 2,016,000 1,251,000 38,000
4 9NEWS SUNDAY Nine 1,899,000 1,078,000 60,000
5 AUSTRALIAN IDOL – SUN Seven 1,872,000 773,000 49,000
6 ABC NEWS SUNDAY-EV ABC 1,216,000 837,000 25,000
7 RON IDDLES: THE GOOD COP Seven 1,177,000 557,000 19,000
8 MUSTER DOGS-EV ABC 1,171,000 721,000 27,000
9 AUSTRALIAN SURVIVOR SUN 10 1,081,000 553,000 60,000
10 9NEWS LATE Nine 892,000 478,000 37,000
11 THE SUNDAY PROJECT 10 852,000 295,000 11,000
12 WEEKEND SUNRISE – SUN Seven 851,000 346,000 17,000
13 AUSTRALIAN IDOL – ENCORE DAY Seven 799,000 116,000 2,000
14 7NEWS SPOTLIGHT – SUMMER Seven 781,000 340,000 11,000
15 INSIDERS-AM ABC 764,000 517,000 45,000
16 NCIS: HAWAII RPT 10 721,000 157,000 7,000
17 WEEKEND TODAY – SUNDAY Nine 718,000 262,000 20,000
18 TOTAL CONTROL-EV ABC 704,000 408,000 30,000
19 BORDER SECURITY – AUSTRALIA’S FRONT LINE (R) Seven 694,000 363,000 7,000
21 SEVEN NEWS AT 5 Seven 607,000 390,000 8,000
22 CAPITOL RIOT: MINUTE BY MINUTE Nine 593,000 205,000 18,000
23 10 NEWS FIRST SUN 6PM 10 586,000 260,000 8,000
24 THE MORNING SHOW – WEEKEND Seven 584,000 167,000 9,000
25 WEEKEND BREAKFAST-AM ABC 577,000 258,000 10,000
26 10 NEWS FIRST SUN 10 559,000 308,000 8,000
27 THE CURE Nine 543,000 95,000 4,000
28 OFFSIDERS-AM ABC 534,000 285,000 12,000
29 WEEKEND SUNRISE – SUN – EARLY Seven 514,000 223,000 11,000
30 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT Nine 505,000 118,000 3,000


People 25-54                                                                Total TV Overnight Top 30 Programs

Sun 4th Feb 2024

Rank Description Network Total TV National Reach Total TV National Audience BVOD National Audience
1 MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT -SUN Nine 1,029,000 603,000 154,000
2 60 MINUTES Nine 820,000 339,000 50,000
3 9NEWS SUNDAY Nine 583,000 289,000 33,000
4 AUSTRALIAN IDOL – SUN Seven 543,000 230,000 27,000
5 SEVEN NEWS – SUN Seven 527,000 298,000 20,000
6 AUSTRALIAN SURVIVOR SUN 10 472,000 257,000 38,000
7 9NEWS LATE Nine 327,000 170,000 22,000
8 RON IDDLES: THE GOOD COP Seven 325,000 133,000 11,000
9 THE SUNDAY PROJECT 10 322,000 103,000 7,000
10 NCIS: HAWAII RPT 10 318,000 59,000 4,000
11 WEEKEND TODAY – SUNDAY Nine 250,000 94,000 11,000
12 AUSTRALIAN IDOL – ENCORE DAY Seven 244,000 47,000 2,000
13 CAPITOL RIOT: MINUTE BY MINUTE Nine 213,000 75,000 11,000
14 WEEKEND SUNRISE – SUN Seven 211,000 78,000 10,000
15 ABC NEWS SUNDAY-EV ABC 209,000 138,000 12,000
16 INSIDERS-AM ABC 199,000 122,000 22,000
17 7NEWS SPOTLIGHT – SUMMER Seven 198,000 69,000 6,000
18 MUSTER DOGS-EV ABC 196,000 99,000 13,000
19 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT Nine 186,000 48,000 2,000
20 BORDER SECURITY – AUSTRALIA’S FRONT LINE (R) Seven 181,000 100,000 4,000
21 10 NEWS FIRST SUN 6PM 10 174,000 99,000 4,000
22 M- THE DARK KNIGHT RISES-PM Seven 172,000 40,000 1,000
23 10 NEWS FIRST SUN 10 160,000 89,000 4,000
24 THE MORNING SHOW – WEEKEND Seven 160,000 44,000 5,000
25 SEVEN NEWS AT 5 Seven 158,000 102,000 4,000
26 THE CURE Nine 142,000 18,000 2,000
27 WEEKEND BREAKFAST-AM ABC 138,000 63,000 5,000
28 WEEKEND TODAY – EARLY SUNDAY Nine 135,000 59,000 7,000
29 TOTAL CONTROL-EV ABC 129,000 61,000 14,000
30 MAN ON FIRE -EV Nine 119,000 29,000 1,000


People 16-39                                                                 Total TV Overnight Top 30 Programs

Sun 4th Feb 2024

Rank Description Network Total TV National Reach Total TV National Audience BVOD National Audience
1 MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT -SUN Nine 480,000 273,000 98,000
2 60 MINUTES Nine 332,000 132,000 27,000
3 9NEWS SUNDAY Nine 240,000 100,000 17,000
4 AUSTRALIAN SURVIVOR SUN 10 218,000 128,000 24,000
5 AUSTRALIAN IDOL – SUN Seven 200,000 87,000 14,000
6 SEVEN NEWS – SUN Seven 188,000 106,000 10,000
7 THE SUNDAY PROJECT 10 146,000 47,000 3,000
8 NCIS: HAWAII RPT 10 138,000 23,000 3,000
9 RON IDDLES: THE GOOD COP Seven 129,000 47,000 5,000
10 9NEWS LATE Nine 122,000 67,000 12,000
11 AUSTRALIAN IDOL – ENCORE DAY Seven 86,000 17,000 1,000
12 WEEKEND TODAY – SUNDAY Nine 74,000 26,000 5,000
13 CAPITOL RIOT: MINUTE BY MINUTE Nine 72,000 28,000 6,000
14 BORDER SECURITY – AUSTRALIA’S FRONT LINE (R) Seven 72,000 38,000 2,000
15 MUSTER DOGS-EV ABC 72,000 30,000 7,000
16 INSIDERS-AM ABC 70,000 40,000 12,000
17 ABC NEWS SUNDAY-EV ABC 69,000 46,000 6,000
18 WEEKEND SUNRISE – SUN Seven 68,000 18,000 4,000
19 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT Nine 67,000 15,000 1,000
20 10 NEWS FIRST SUN 6PM 10 66,000 40,000 2,000
21 M- THE DARK KNIGHT RISES-PM Seven 62,000 15,000 1,000
22 SEVEN NEWS AT 5 Seven 62,000 42,000 2,000
23 7NEWS SPOTLIGHT – SUMMER Seven 58,000 17,000 3,000
24 TOTAL CONTROL-EV ABC 57,000 22,000 7,000
25 THE MORNING SHOW – WEEKEND Seven 53,000 13,000 3,000
26 THE CURE Nine 52,000 9,000 1,000
27 10 NEWS FIRST SUN 10 46,000 32,000 2,000
28 WEEKEND BREAKFAST-AM ABC 43,000 22,000 3,000
29 THE BIZARRE PET VETS Nine 40,000 9,000 2,000
30 WEEKEND TODAY – EARLY SUNDAY Nine 39,000 18,000 3,000


TOTAL PEOPLE TV 31.28% 31.08% 13.08% 7.97% 15.88%
BVOD 17.87% 39.85% 10.65% 11.92% 19.71%
Total TV 29.81% 32.04% 12.81% 8.40% 16.30%
PEOPLE 25-54 TV 25.77% 38.87% 18.24% 6.49% 10.36%
BVOD 17.96% 45.93% 12.33% 8.16% 15.62%
Total TV 24.29% 40.21% 17.12% 6.81% 11.36%
PEOPLE 16-39 TV 23.95% 38.97% 20.95% 5.06% 11.01%
BVOD 16.69% 50.30% 12.31% 5.95% 14.75%
Total TV 21.96% 42.08% 18.58% 5.31% 12.04%

Data © OzTAM and Regional TAM 2024. Not to be reproduced, published or communicated (electronically or in hard copy) in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OzTAM and Regional TAM.

3 Responses

  1. Even though Call the Midwife was relegated o 10.40 till 11.50, and its gone from 4-6 promos Friday to Sunday, to none, not even a ‘Next up’, (I was switching from another channel to 7two from 10.15 onwards hoping for a promo, and got none); without the spare channels input/data, how are we to know what Vera rated v Midwife, or indeed, the other channels in same timeslot ie 8.30 till 11.50? ie comparison wise./state by state? This new rating system dosnt make sense. Its not just that i dont like change, its also this system isnt fair to all channels prime and spare and its programs being broadcast. Or is 9,7,10 sbs, suddenly afraid of the competition from its spare ie digital, channels? Why else have such a radical change that is no longer all encompassing of all channels. (including Foxtel and other Pay channels that I dont subscribe to).

  2. Not really a fan of the new look,bit ordinary actually overall figures are fine.The other 2 lists probably not worth the bother.But not to have the different states and how there numbers flow program to program is a big miss.Especially when it comes to News services and how each state can vary by quite a margin.Something i would also like to mention is there are no Foxtel ratings what’s going on there?

  3. Not happy that the spare channels are no longer included; but apart from that; 7two have for a while had a slogan British Mysteries Mon-Thurs. So where do they decide to schedule Vera??? Sunday 8.30. Not impressed. How do we the viewing public know what shows rate on the spare channels without the data being supplied anymore? Also interesting to note is that Sunday Afternoon movie rated. Never has before. ie The Cure. Ive seen it around 2-3 times. Very sad movie at the end. Re the new style ratings, how is this an improvement??

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