
TVT ratings update

As 2024 Survey begins, here is an overview of ratings changes across the site.

Today marks the first day of 2024 survey…

As readers are aware there has been a major change to the way ratings are reported from OzTAM.

After two weeks of significant feedback I wanted to provide an update, given Ratings are such a popular feature of the site.

Ratings are now published around 11:30am* with Top 30 rankings listed as Reach and National Audience (average). The same post will update with shares, usually shortly after initial publication.

The home page shows a top 5 excerpt by Reach that links to the newest Ratings post.

An analysis wrap of ratings in the News section has always been a popular feature.

From Monday this will resume with more detail, but reporting from a National Audience perspective.  Now that Linear TV and BVOD are added together, I believe these numbers will best represent how we are watching and are an improvement on 2023 Overnights. These posts are likely to run after midday.

As per OzTAM changes, there are no separate Multichannel or Subscription numbers, but I hope to still include some select results in News reporting.

Given networks are still settling on their preferred Weekly results reporting, there is still some work to be done in this area.

Consolidated numbers are under consideration, but can be read via the OzTAM site.

Survey pauses for two weeks at Easter, meaning there is less analysis but no change to rankings in the Ratings section.

NB: Ratings post on weekends may be later than 11:30am on some occasions.

8 Responses

  1. Thank you, Mr. Knox. You’ve been doing an excellent job at helping us try to make sense of the new ratings system and the figures that the system is producing for our favorite programs. Keep up the good work!

  2. We’ve had a sample of the new ratings system for a few weeks now. Isn’t perfect, but things have hopefully settled down a little, and we are now starting to get used to this way of reporting across the board.

    With the Official Ratings starting today, glad that we’ll be seeing shares from tomorrow (a few of us missed them). Also can’t wait to see the Daily Wraps again, with more detail in them. Let the ratings battle begin :)

  3. Thank you very much David for the updates! It will be interesting to see how well many shows perform through the year through linear National averages, as well as live BVOD and also catch-up.

  4. Thank you! Great news and looking forward to your wraps/seeing how things settle. For me the most interesting issues ratings wise this year so far are the success of Tipping Point and surprise growth of Australian Idol. It will be interesting to see if the Tipping Point success can help Nine claw back national news dominance. I think everyone realises Seven’s success in Perth news and regional news are the reasons it always dominates nine Nationally in news

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