
Sopranos finally sing on 7TWO

Acclaimed HBO drama The Sopranos finally begins its rerun on 7TWO next week.

Acclaimed HBO drama The Sopranos finally begins its rerun on 7TWO next week.

The show was promised as part of the channel’s line-up when it launched last November, but has taken several months to be realised.

It will premiere at 9:30pm Tuesday February 16th following 24.

…and have you heard about the ending?

Meet Tony Soprano: your average, middle-aged businessman. Tony’s got a dutiful wife, a not-so-dutiful daughter, a son named Anthony Jr, a pill of a mother, a hot-headed uncle, a not-too-secret mistress and a shrink to whom he tells all his secrets including that he’s a mob boss. These days, it’s getting tougher to make a killing in the killing business.

17 Responses

  1. Sigh. As much as I love the Sopranos, I was hoping Reaper may’ve re-emerged in the 9.30 slot given 7Two yanked it from the 8.30 timeslot when the tennis started, leaving the last 5 episodes of Season 1 unaired.

  2. Great news, even though i have watched them all i will watch again.

    Now when is someone going to put Six Feet Under on again.

    Ch 9 totally butchered it when they had it on. Such a great show, aired at a stupidly late hour.

  3. Actually I made a small mistake, it was shot using Super 35, not anamorphically, but still in widescreen.

    Oh as for releasing it in widescreen, all the US DVD releases are in widescreen. They have even started releasing the older series on Blu-Ray.

  4. Craig, hopfully not. I hate how they clip the bottom and top of Seinfeld and other shows on GO!. It dosn’t look right. I’ll have to check out Sopranos as i havn’t seen it either. I know about the ending, but that really dosn’t give away anything about the series.

  5. Marco, no one discusses the ending because it was a non event. I keep waiting for a movie to be announced because the finale was so open ended. If lost ends the same way it will be the last time I watch this type of serialised drama.

  6. A show I’ve always wanted to watch but haven’t got round to for time, so now’s the perfect time to watch it at 1 ep a week. I just can’t dedicate 5 hours a week the way they strip it on Foxtel. And after all these years I still don’t know how it ends and I want it to remain that way. Is it like Fight Club, where no one discusses the ending, because I’ve never even accidentally come across discussion of the ending.

  7. The only problem is the early season were not in 16:9 so not very good for digital TV IMO, plus the fact the DVDs have been out for years and it’s on PayTV so if you’re a fan you’ve likely seen it by now, so will it still work on FTA?

  8. Sweet – I might start recording these on iQ and then watch ’em season by season…

    The cynic in me says that they’ll probably end up being out of order, episodes skipped, and the season not finished, but we’ll see…

  9. I’m looking forward to watching it; I’ve never seen the Sopranos. Missed it on TV and the DVD’s are too expensive to purchase without having seen it; and too many episodes to bother obtaining in otherways.

    I’ll definately be tuning in.

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