
Jess Mauboy becomes Australian Made week ambassador

New video highlighting iconic Australian film & TV moments will run across cinema screens nationwide from today.

Windcatcher star Jess Mauboy has become ambassador of Australian Made Week 2024 and features in a new campaign celebrating Australian stories.

The video (narrated by Kat Stewart) by Screen Producers Australia highlights iconic Australian film & TV moments from recent years will run across cinema screens nationwide from today.

“I’m super passionate about supporting creative Australians and ensuring that all Aussies working in front and behind the camera shine, thrive and continue to create. That’s why I jumped at the opportunity to be the Ambassador for Australian Made Week,” Mauboy said.

“As we eagerly anticipate long-awaited legislation to ensure audiences have access to Australian screen stories via online streaming services, just like they have for free-to-air channels, we are optimistic that after so many years in the ‘too hard basket’, the Albanese Government will soon take the steps needed to finally deliver on this important cultural commitment,” said SPA CEO Matthew Deaner.

“Embracing the ‘home-grown first’ principle of the Australian Made campaign, SPA has long advocated for a sustainable Australian screen sector that fosters Australian ownership and control of our cultural creativity and intellectual property and supports an ambition to grow our industry to take advantage of a content-hungry world.”

Australian Made Chief Executive Ben Lazzaro said “Australian Made Week aimed to put the spotlight on genuine Aussie creators, makers and growers. It’s a time that all Aussies can come together to make a positive impact and support our local industries.”

Thanks to Independent Cinemas Australia for their support of the campaign.

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