
Bumped: Torchwood

Surprise, surprise. TEN is bumping Torchwood.

The show will not screen at its usual 9:30pm timeslot next Monday Aug 6th.

Instead it is being shifted to several hours later, 12am Wed morning.

It will be replaced by a special, Tomb of Jesus. a documentary about the 2,000-year-old “Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries”, found in Jerusalem.

Torchwood will then continue in its “new timeslot” of 12am Wednesdays.

When TEN launched the series with a blaze of glory it said it was committing to two seasons of the show. But ratings have slipped since a strong debut, last week down to 673,000.

Update: Tomb of Jesus will now screen at 9:30pm following a new SVU.

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61 Responses

  1. I hate it – buffy stargate etc….torchwood.

    I am sick of shows being bumped not just a timeslot but to 12am!. I have a40GB download limit know so bugger you 10 ill download all the shows I want..

  2. yeah, i agree.
    why didn’t ABC get the rights? it only makes sense, seeing as it’s from the bbc, and that’s where pretty much all bbc shows go.

    commercial tv gives me the shits. they concentrate too much on ratings, but they don’t realise that a whole bunch of repeats aren’t really going to raise the ratings either.


  3. What a stupid move by Channel 10. Although even more stupid is the ABC for not buying Torchwood in the first place.
    Just like Dr Who, Torchwood should be seen without commercial breaks. Regardless, Channel 10 really should have given the show more time to find an audience.
    I actually think they may have wanted it to die putting it up straight after that banal program Big Brother.
    The BB audience wouldn’t be allowed to continue to watch Torchwood, isn’t it way past their bed time? Wake up Channel 10!

  4. Channel 10’s decision to bury Torchwood at midnight just reinforces my opinion that the TV stations put SF on so late because they believe only SF fans know how to program a VCR. *sigh*

  5. Mmmmm, pity old Aunty didn’t get the rights to it, then we could’ve had Torchwood straight after Who on a Saturday night….and at least Aunty would’ve given it a go.

    Commercial tv sucks in general – look what Seven did with Alias….the list goes on and on; they show no respect whatsoever to their loyal viewers.

  6. I just have to say channel ten programmers should be smacked around the head with a cactus. I love Torchwood and am absolutely fuming about their ridiculous behaviour. They need to actually give a show time to gather an audience and with the BB fiasco last week I’m not surprised ratings were lower – it screened an hour later than it was meant to.

  7. Really pissed off with Channel 10. After the MASSIVE advertising campagin and hype surrounding Torchwood, they had to do this.

    We had to sit through 50+ minutes of Big Brother last week- because there was an apparant ‘glitch’ in the counting of the votes. It’s so crap! I mean come on. It’s a computer. Computer counting results. They made it sound as though ‘Big Brother’ himself was sitting at a table counting card after card. Heh.
    As if they don’t just ‘flip the coin’ half the time.

    So annoyed at Channel 10 for bumping Torchwood to the graveyard shift. If Big Brother hand’t run almost an HOUR over time, the ratings would’ve been up. WHO THE HELL WANTS TO WATCH SUCH CRAP AS BIG BROTHER. I flicked onto it, countless numbers of times that night to see if TW had started, and I saw some kind of ‘pantomine’ and Grettel going on about ‘THey’re still counting.. BUT AFTER THE BREAK IT’LL BE OVER’ and it kept going.
    It was complete. . Utter, rubbish!

    Channel ten manages to have SIX different CSI shows, Repeats of every stupid crime/law n order show, and BIG BROTHER for hours upon hours a day- I mean… COME ON!

    Who wants to watch Big Brother up late ‘Let’s all sit around watching ordinary people sit on a couch and talk… Or lets watch them on Big Brother up late- when they’re all in bed, with the LIGHTS OFF! Murmuring stuff about their lives. WHO CARES! IT’S reality tv gone to the dump. I hate Big Brother, always have- and how many times do we have to sit through it.
    It’s not fair.


    Channel Ten.

    You suk

  8. What the hell channel Ten, you guys keep changing timeslots or cancelling shows mid season on ALL the good shows, I reckon we should have an australian wide ban of channel Ten cos I am sick of their $*%@.

  9. Finally, a post where i can have a rant, i’ve been seething ever since monday night when i had to endure swtiching over to big brother for an hour to see if torchwood had started. I love this show, I enjoyed Doctor Who but I enjoyed Torchwood even more and was great to see Cardiff look so sexy. I’ve never been able to use my VCR as a recorder but luckily I have cable TV and broadband so there won’t be much chance for commercial tv to get any ratings out of me.

    Channel 7 did this to buffy and angel as well so i’m not really surprised.

    It’s just a pity it wasn’t a doctor/lawyer/cop show or something starring Lisa McCune, it would have been given priority screening.

  10. It was nice to see something on chanel ten that wasn’t american or reality tv. I don’t see why they are screening crap about jesus in a timeslot where no one will watch it. Sigh…. Channel 10 can bite me.

  11. Typical Channel TEN. Torchwood is about the best thing on Monday night TV after 9.30. And what do they do…move it to the programe graveyard. Good one guys!

    Ten must be run by complete idiots…i mean, after getting the criticism they got for cancelling Jericho & moving Veronica Mars everywhere, you would have though they’d learn?
    apparently not….this is just as good, if not better,than Dr. Who…aimed right for Ten’s key audience…what else is there to watch(apart from Enough Rope)?CSI repeats in Nine?!?

    What can you expect from people who applauded Kyle’s short-lived BB visit?

  13. Well, what can i say that hasn’t already been said …
    Aussie programmers are morons! Fire them and let us do it!
    Just as Torchwood hits it’s stride, they trash it to midnight … commit to a full 13 weeks at a decent time or DO NOT BUY IT! Fools!
    If BB had not gone on so late and it commenced at 9.30 this week it would have rated very well indeed!
    Yes, this is another reason why a rapidly increasing number of people download what they want to watch … that would be a far more accurate “ratings” than the lame and inaccurate Ozstam system they use as their excuse.
    Don’t give up on Torchwood, it has some great episodes to come and next year will be a real ripper!

  14. Sorry, but this show sucks, Its not half as good as Dr. Who, Cpt. Jack and the whole Torchwood organization really do not work well with out, well the Doctor.

    Im really not suprised that it is being moved, watched the first episode and was really turned off it.

    I am more surprised that it ever got on that slot on channel 10, I don’t know how anyone could watch an episode and think, Wow people might really go for this and not just think this is going to flop.

  15. Please update us about the ratings for “Tomb Of Jesus” – somehow I can’t see it out-rating Torchwood unless the select few on Oztam’s ratings team happen to have been chosen because they fit the Jesus-freak demographic.

    I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said this, but it bears saying again for the record: I’m very, very glad I “illegally” downloaded Torchwood. *Last year*.

  16. I agree with anonymous (30 July 2007 19:17) I hate Australian TV (programmers)..

    I have actually watched Torchwood a few times with my 58 year old father, we both like the new Dr. Who, and this is the first time I’ve come close to watching something remotely “gay” with him. LOL

    Australian TV programmers are foolish ratings Ho’s.. who care nothing about the audience. No show can ever build an audience, it must be guaranteed within 3-4weeks or the bump it to the grave yard shift.

    They all suck, Viva La’ Resistance… Bring on the higher broadband speeds, and IPTV/WebTV/YouTube/etc.!!

    WE will watch what WE want if you can’t commit to a serious relationship with your audience! LOL


    Having worked in it on and off for nearly 30 years I think I’m just about to throw in the towel. It is full of sooooo much drivel and tripe that whenever something at least half decent comes along people that CARE (like myself) balk at starting to watch because we know it won’t last. West Wing, Battlestar Galactica, Enterprise, Six feet Under, The Sopranos, it just goes on. I shuddered when I heard TEN got it as I knew this would happen. I give up, get cable, get a HD-DVD player and everyone please TURN IT OFF! Networks and, dare I say it, our lame Producers who turn out reality pap, do not deserve your custom.

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