
Bumped: Torchwood

Surprise, surprise. TEN is bumping Torchwood.

The show will not screen at its usual 9:30pm timeslot next Monday Aug 6th.

Instead it is being shifted to several hours later, 12am Wed morning.

It will be replaced by a special, Tomb of Jesus. a documentary about the 2,000-year-old “Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries”, found in Jerusalem.

Torchwood will then continue in its “new timeslot” of 12am Wednesdays.

When TEN launched the series with a blaze of glory it said it was committing to two seasons of the show. But ratings have slipped since a strong debut, last week down to 673,000.

Update: Tomb of Jesus will now screen at 9:30pm following a new SVU.

Kindly link to this website, when sourcing or posting in messageboards, thanks.

61 Responses

  1. Just do what I do download it from the net and watch them when you want … in the correct order and with out TEN messing with it… they wont care now as they bumped it for re-runs of rerun re-runs of Law and Order (a good show but after 3 times ..WE KNOW HOW IT ENDS)

  2. WOW!
    I am so amazed by the support that is being shown here for Torchwood and even more thrilled to find that I am not the only person who thinks like I do … something MUST be done about these incompetant fools at the Networks.

    It is time they learn that they are behind the times and out of touch with viewers and that the current Ratings system is no longer capable of measuring the true viewer preferences let alone be the bible for all their decisions!


    I just read 47 comments left by people and only one was glad Torchwood was axed.
    This is the 5th tv show to be axed/ or moved time slots because…. well I don’t actually know because no one’s stated anything that I’ve read or heard other than the “low viewers” crap!

    First Torchwood, Smallville (what the hell happened to that?), Veronica Mars (moved timeslots then disappeared without warning!), Surface (it disappeared too!) and Threshold (that showed like 6-8 episodes maybe then bye bye)

    I’m so sick of this happening, thank god for the internet and tv series on dvd!!!

    Channel 10 go see the wizard and GET SOME F***ING BRAINS!!!!

  4. I think that is everyone’s “beef” in that the networks (TEN in particular) don’t tell you when they are shifting a show to a later timeslot, so unless you are vigilant with the tv guide (and I’m sorry to say that I am one of those), you don’t know what is going on. And of course this only works anyway, when the tv guide is in fact correct.

    I haven’t watched last night’s ep yet (taped it though), so I’m sure it is up to its usual standard….

  5. What is it with Australian tv? Six Feet Under, Veronica Mars, now Torchwood… I never know when my favourite shows are going to be on. COMMIT TO A TIME SLOT ALREADY. Fair enough if a show is only likely to have a cult audience (like Jeremiah), AT LEAST PICK A TIME AND STICK TO IT. If there is no possible way to keep a show in its regular slot, at least let viewers know that it is moving. There was no advisement (that I saw) that Torchwood was moving. Because there was that Jesus’ Tomb special on, I just assumed it was off for a week for a special program and would be back next week (something TEN hopelessly did often with Supernatural), and I missed last week’s episode. How are viewers supposed to commit? Especially to shows where you need to see every episode or you get lost?

  6. Mmmm that bit about the voting glitch was utter BS – what era are we living in? Aren’t we in the computer age where things can happen instantaneously? Just good ole Ten dragging out BB for the cajillionith time. Torchwood just didn’t stand a chance on Ten, and yep it woulda been much better on Aunty.

    I say it again, Ten just sucks.

  7. Channel Ten is one of the only channels I watch TV from. But they have lost my faith and my respect. Bumping Torchwood was a disgraceful move. Idiots.
    It is hard to believe that a large majority of Australians prefer to watch lowquality shows such as Big Brother. This comes to show how deprived this country has become. And also, delaying Torchwood for 50mins!?!? because of voting glitch? This is typical of the stupidity that has dominanted the television station and also of the people who watch BB.
    Bring back Torchwood and lighten my Monday nights

  8. I could not agree more…not only do we get subjected to that jesus tomb shite but now we get a double whammy of all american crap to “replace’ torchwood! God u channel ten guys (or maybe girls) must be sooooo shit scared of losing your job and the ratings war. I sooooo wish that this was on the ABC!!! Why wasn’t it? I just hope someone sticks channel ten into a deep vault of antiquities for a zillion years only to be dug up again when they promise to play a whole series without ditching it half way through or (even worse) sneaking in the odd repeat just to insult our intelligence. Go away for ever Ten, just P#ss of and take ur US drivel with you…get the message! I’m off to download it all now so sod the lot of “you’s”

  9. I was totaly disgusted with 10 for big brother going 45 minutes over time, My God, how depressing, a show for people with such misewrable lives that they have toi watch people with even more miserable lives on tv. It was pathetic Torchwwood was late but the worst was the change of time, as we are now all discussing. Het Towchwood is no Doctor Who and yes there are much better programmes. The gay and violent themes do nothing for me but I still watch and enjoy the show. Replacing Torchwood with no warning, and putting the Pathetic Jesus tomb programme,(which apart from being available in shops, has already been discredited anyway)really was a mental move by 10. Anyone get the ratings for the Jesus tomb progarmme? I expect it would have been far less than Torchwood. 10, this is one of only 2 shows I regularly watch on your station, the other being Medium which is good because it is not reality crap, a csi type thing and actually has storylines I can enjoy, a rarity in US programmes.I will get the DVD set of Torchwood, and now that Medium is finished for the season so 10 this means there are a total of ZERO programmes I watch on your station now. If 10 wonders why they rate poorly then they ought to look in the mirror.
    Peter D

  10. Well did you all catch last week’s ep in the end? I taped it on my dvd hard drive and just got around to watching it over the weekend.

    It was classic Torchwood! Loved every minute of it…..the resurrection glove came back in to play, and there were some interesting one liners in there.

    Ten really does suck hey? And obviously they will never learn!!!!



    I set to record it on the gold coast and it wasn’t even on

    Next thing they’ll ruin is the rugby world cup

    I’m going for the $60 big pond unlimited and downloaing in future

  12. I am very disappointed that Torchwood has been moved. That show has been the highlight of my week. I hope TPTB change their minds and change it back. In the meantime I suppose I had better learn how to program my VCR.

  13. Trust Network 10 they are always doing this. Do you remember 4400, Battlestar Galactica and Jerico. No I did not enjoy all these shows but I find it highly anoying that we don’t get any notice of the changes. Network Ten,you could have a little voice over letting us know what timeslot our favourite shows have been moved to.

  14. Channel Ten has done well at keeping its dubbed name of Australia’s lesser TV alternative. It’s surprising that Ten would pitch a BBC show in the first place. Surely they’d be aware that their typical BB audience couldn’t comprehend the inclusion of a “plot” in a show. You can blame Ten for trying, foolish as it was, but you can’t blame them for finally realising that they aren’t capable of displaying mature programming as their loyal audience is just too stupid. Are any of us actually loyal Ten viewers? Not likely. We just head there once a week for torhwood. Not anymore. It’s very easy to download, people.

  15. Well, I left a comment in February (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=510428054835308303&postID=2159633557564830734) stating that I hope this wouldn’t happen, but alas, it seems a ‘firm commitment’ by an australian tv network translates into ‘yeah, whatever, at the end of the day the dedicated fan can just f*$& off’. Luckily for me, Im in Cardiff at the moment, and still will be when Torchwood screens on BB2 in early 2008. Oh, and John Barrowman is gorgeous in real life, I was in the lucky position to be able to watch them film a scene for a season two story on the roof of my apartment building, and had a great time showing him around an apartment in our building 😉

  16. This really stinks, you did the same thing with surface last year which i watched with my two daughters. Now your doing this to Torchwood, which I watch with my elder daughter, which is so much better then the Big Brother drivel. I just won’t bother watching Ten anymore I’ll go and buy the Torchwwood DVD & line someone else’s pockets with a bit more money. You really are an appalling TV station, this would never have happened in the UK where I am from!!!

  17. The execs/programmers at TEN are complete morons. The way they run things is just bad business. Torchwood for the last few Monday night viewings has been pushed back by either Big Brother or Law and Order – you have to be pretty committed to show to wait around watching the end of another show whilst a perfectly good show is probably starting on another network. Yeah, you look in the TV guide and Torchwood start at 9.30pm, so you put ten on but no Torchwood – you have to sit through the dregs of L&O or BB just to see whether Torchwood will actually be on. OH BIG FREAKING SURPRISE THERES A RATINGS DROP!
    Then they don’t even advertise the new time – I thought it must have just been a week off for the James Cameron special, so of course I missed the last episode.
    The only reason TEN stays in business is because they more or less (with the limitted number of other free-to-air channels) have a captive audience of people who can’t afford pay-tv.

  18. Is it any wonder that Tens ratings for Torchwood fell last week. After Big Brother running more than an hour overtime who was going to sit up waiting for Tochwood to start????? Ten only has a few shows that rate well and Law and Order followed by Torchwood was one of them. What is there to watch on a Monday night now? Certainly not the ‘Tomb of Jesus’! Is it any wonder that Seven and Nine (even ABC and SBS) rate better than Ten?? Big Brother and Idol certainly don’t keep the majority of viewers at Ten. Thank goodness for video recorders and DVD rentals, because this is the only way we’ll be able to keep up with what is happening on Torchwood!

  19. Congratulations channel 10. Nice to see some responsibility shown by Australian programmers.
    Following the lead of other free to air broadcasters they are reducing the quality and variety of programs shown and hence encouraging us all to leave our lounges and take up more physical pursuits.
    By not having to switch on the TV on a Monday night they are also saving me money and helping reduce greenhouse emissions.
    Highly commendable Channels 7, 9 and 10, but why leave the job incomplete. Do us all a favor and stop broadcasting completely!
    Anyone for tennis!!!!

  20. I’m currently up to episode 10 of Torchwood. Guess who I’ve managed to do that. 🙂
    Torchwood gets increasingly from the halfway mark, which 10 is just about to screen, and the final episode is a tie in with the current doctor who. I bet 10 does not sync them up….or show the final as it’s meant to be shown, as a double 90 minute special.

    James Packer was smart, and sold 9 while TV still has a tiny amount of value.

  21. I too am very disappointed in channel 10. Letting Big Brother run over by 1 hour because there were too many votes to count – my arse that was the reason. Of course ratings for Torchwood would be down it seemed like BB was never going to end so loads of us lost interest in waiting for Torchwood, taped it and watched it the next day. I can’t see how showing repeats of Law and Order (whichever their putting on instead of Torchwood) is going to rate better than a new episode of Torchwood. I too will now be downloading Torchwood and boycotting Ten. Hopefully ABC will purchase Season 2 seeing as its unlikely Ten will now.

  22. Yep we’ve got a good ‘ole “I hate Ten” fest going on here. But hey, I agree with all these comments.

    C’mon Ten do the right thing by Torchwood and its fans (no wonder Ten’s ratings suck all the time; when they do have viewers, they push them away…..they’re only interested in BB or Idol – big woop de doo!)

  23. I have been looking forward to Torchwood all week, and only just found out it wasn’t on tonight! Typical Channel 10. They made me watch 45 minutes of BB last week (or at least have it on while waiting for Torchwood), and now they move it so late in the night it will be impossible to watch.
    This is the first time I have blogged on anything. Channel 10 doesn’t even have a complaints channel for email.

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