
Gone: Veronica Mars

TEN programmers can’t be having a good day today. After deciding to drop Smallville from the schedule, it now looks like the return of Veronica Mars has had a re-think.

Until today it was due to return next Friday October 26 at the too-late-time of 11:05pm.

That’s now off the table, with the timeslot given over to The Wedge.

No word on when it might return.

As a small consolation, the fact that TEN was returning this indicates it is on their radar. Perhaps programmers have decided it’s too good to waste in such a lacklustre timeslot?

Fans of Kristen Bell should cross their fingers the show will find a better home over the summer break. Otherwise keep your eyes on Heroes and listen carefully when Gossip Girl starts.

She’ll be popping up again soon enough.

13 Responses

  1. Wow, so it’s been over a year and Ten fully were not cool with Veronica Mars. That was the best show ever! Season 3 was wonderful – it was my favourite season ever. Well, now that we have box sets out over here, then we can relax…..

    Jenna Lucie

  2. I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought was “Oh no! I forgot to tape Veronica Mars!!!”

    Ha, needn’t have worried, it wasn’t on anyway :-((

  3. channel 10 obviously ate their tard flakes this morning. Veronica Mars? To quote rove “what the”


    We miss you Veronica :-(

  4. Gossip Girl begins in December on Fox8 if you have Foxtel.

    And of course only channel 10 would think a rerun of The Wedge is better then new episodes of quality shows like Smallville, Veronica Mars and Jericho.

    I’m quite surprised Foxtel haven’t bought VM yet. They have everything else.

  5. sooo when will gossip girl be coming to ten coz they took full eps off youtube and i cant wait i love it i saw the 1st 4 eps and now there are none left on youtube

  6. I wish Ten would stop pulling at my heartstrings with all the shows i adore. Lets just shutup, download it off torrents, and watch Gossip Girl on Youtube (It has just started in the US) Bell is a great voice over as all VM fans know, and the show itself will adopt all ex-OC fans. Guaranteed.

  7. I’m sure a lot of Veronica Mars fans would buy the DVDs, except the show is yet to be released for Region 4 because of music licensing rights. (The same rights that required new songs to be added to the Dawsons Creek DVDs).

    So if Channel Ten doesn’t show it and it’s not for sale they shouldn’t be suprised if people have already downloaded it.

    Why doesn’t Channel Ten try a pay for or free download of the show from their website?

  8. This is just not my day. First I read that Weeds has been axed, and now Veronica Mars!!! What is television coming to these days? Do they really think The Wedge will rate better in that timeslot? I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed for an excellent timeslot for VM over Summer, but knowing Channel Ten, I can’t see it happening.

  9. Great. 3 whole episodes it was on for!

    I can’t believe i decided to NOT download this because i heard it was coming back on.

    How naive of me to think it would get a half decent treatment…

  10. No doubt that Veronica Mars fans will be screaming bloody murder (again).

    HOPEFULLY, this is an indication that TEN will be playing the series in a better timeslot over the summer; even though a lot of viewers probably wouldn’t be able to catch up to the plot.

    Whatever the case, TEN’d better get their act together and bring back VM.

  11. And they wonder why people turn to downloads or buying the DVDs of the series in the states….

    Shame really, VM season three is awesome. As is the current season of Smallville, which I have on DVD.

    I noticed that Channel Nine decided to pull some weeds out of its programming as well. Weeds isn’t on next week….

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