
SBS Nest open for auditions

SBS has now titled its forthcoming observational series about stay-at-home kids who live with their parents into adulthood, as The Nest.

The show, produced by Freehand Productions (Honey We’re Killing the Kids, Dancing on Ice, Top gear Australia) is looking for subjects who live in Sydney.

The trend of staying with parents is also the subject of a scripted comedy for Seven, Packed to the Rafters.

If you would like more audition info, read on.

Press Release:

Are you a young adult in your 20s to 30s living at home with your parents? Are you dreaming of “real” independence but wondering how you could afford to move out and keep your current lifestyle? Want some help figuring out how you can do it?

SBS is searching for young adults and their families to be a part of a new television series called The Nest which will air in 2008.

According to the ABS, in 2005 there were 4.2 million people in Australia between the ages of 16-26, two thirds of which were still living in the family home.

This growing trend has recently sparked debate in the media over possible issues associated with remaining in the family home well into “adulthood”.

How will living with your parent/s affect your future?

With experts guiding you through the entire process, The Nest hopes to find the answer to this question and any others you may have about what lies ahead.

SBS is particularly interested in receiving applications from a variety of cultures in the hope that you can bring a unique perspective to the series.

Freehand Productions will be producing the series for SBS and are also responsible for producing the first international version of the BBC hit motoring entertainment show, Top Gear.

If you want to take part in an exciting social experiment, head to the sbs.com.au to find our how you can apply.

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