
The early word on Monster House

Over at whatsonthetube, they’ve been along to an audience shoot for Nine’s new ‘reality sitcom’ Monster House.

Described as Thank God You’re Here meets Surprise Surprise Gotcha, the show sees Nine convert a warehouse into a Big Brother-style home business where cameras can shoot from behind two way mirrors.

Unsuspecting visitors and tradesmen are subjected to a series of scripted pranks including a stripping granny and a suitcase full of cash. “This person then has no idea that it is a scripted scenario with hidden cameras and they believe that it is a normal business or household family.”

The show, produced by Southern Star Endemol, is hosted by Bernard Curry and the “resident family” is known as The Webbs. The victims are seated in the audience for post-prank interviews. A “golden mouse” trophy is awarded to the poor mug who gave the best reaction.

Nine is expected to air the show in Feburary, likely in a 7:30 timeslot, or it could also suit 6:30pm Sundays.

A US renovation show called Monster House airs on Foxtel.

Source: whatsonthetube

7 Responses

  1. This is a reply to R.Burgess, if you think Rebel Wilson is a great improviser, I recommend you watch the episode of Thank God You’re Here that she was in.

    She was awful. Most cringe-worthy moment of TV I have ever seen.

  2. Will undoubtedly fail for several reasons. Firstly Southern Star don’t know how to make comedy (Bob Morisson). Secondly the cast are not funny enough. The reason Thank God Your Here worked (sort of) was seeing people trying to improvise and fail was funnier than watching people who were good at improvising do well. Thirdly it will be shot as hidden camera but the characters will be really over the top. So the style wont work. Lastly it’s on channel nine. If you’re overacting in your publicity shots you’ve got trouble. Three weeks in it’s debut slot before it gets shunted.

  3. Just replying to the above comment…
    The ‘house” and ‘business’ are not located in the sudio, they have bought a warehouse and converted it into the house and the business where these scenarios are played out. The in studio stuff is a mock-up of the living room where the family sits and Bernard (host) chats to the family and talks to the person who has been pranked, sitting in the audience.

  4. Why does this program sound like another one that’s going to go down the gurgle?
    Even though people’s reactions can be funny, something tells me ch9 really has a problem with coming up with programs of spontianeity, light-hearted and genuinely funny. A house on a set, how can tradespeople and other sorts (victims) not know its not a real house? Doesnt make sense.

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