
Wheel to take on Deal?

As tipped yesterday on TV Tonight, Tim Campbell is to set host a new version of Wheel of Fortune on the Nine Network.

It is widely expected the show will be used as a lead-in to Nine’s 6pm News.

A spokesperson for Campbell’s management yesterday played down any rumour when contacted by TV Tonight. They said it was news to them.

The timing of signing Campbell is particularly interesting given Nine has been bashing his former show, National Bingo Night in A Current Affair all week.

Campbell was also considered a contender to host this year’s Dancing with the Stars.

Meanwhile Confidential says Seven’s boss, “reportedly read the riot act to his programmers who passed on the rights to two of this year’s biggests hits: Channel 10’s So You Think You Can Dance and Nine’s Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares.”

Additional source: Confidential

6 Responses

  1. Well Channel 9 has already won me over. I will be watching Wheel of Fortune. Deal has been on too long and its too repetitive. With Wheel the prizes and words change everyday but with Deal it is same old same old every day. Any word on when it airs? Hopefully soon!

  2. I don’t think Wheel failed, I think it wasn’t given a chance to succeed since they never promoted it because they were too worried about Deal or No Deal and News, I remember back before Deal there were ads for it every day and it would have been getting much the same ratings wise. The only quabble is Tim Campbell hosting…

  3. I don’t understand. Wheel failed on Seven a couple of years ago when they had the “Wheeling and Dealing” Hour. Oh well, at least they are showing something instead of the tripe which is Antiques Roadshow.

  4. Interesting. I’ll be sticking with Deal, but WoF was always one of the more enjoyable game shows. Also, it makes sense that Seven or any other channel would have passed on SYTYCD except for Ten, as Ten screened 2 US seasons and it would have been out of place on any other network. Ten announced plans for an Aussie SYTYCD something like 6 months ago anyway. As for Hell’s Kitchen, Ramsay swears in every second word. I don’t see what people see in that show, but I do know it should have stuck with the 9:30 timeslot. Too many kiddies will be watching that show with their parents and using this foul language they picked up from a chef. If that man made my food, I would hesitate to eat it knowing all the abusive filth that spluttered from his mouth in the process of making it.

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