
Double or nothing?

Seven sees Nine and raises them one.

Addressing the oncoming competition from Million Dollar Wheel of Fortune, Seven has decided to tweak Deal or No Deal by adding a second suitcase with $200,000.

Deal or no Deal: Double Shot will begin from 5:30pm Monday May 26, the same time Wheel debuts on Nine.

The added twist will continue on Deal right across the week. How long it continues probably depends on how well Wheel does for Nine.

The top cash prize on both games will be equal. In the US Deal is more Millionaire-like, as a primetime show (rather than afternoon stripped game) with a $1M prize and even $1M jackpots if it doesn’t go off.

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13 Responses

  1. I wonder what will happen if this show flops will there be a scandal like the national bingo night or will nine just pay up and as for Andrew O’Keefe sorry I find him annoying

  2. Why do some people hate O’Keefe so much? Sure he’s like a hyperactive child at times but at least he has some personality. Most hosts these days are absolutely dull!

    I don’t watch Deal or No Deal much but when I have found him do some great ad-lib filler work to keep things flowing and interesting.

  3. O’Keefe is fine…..TV wouldn’t be half as interesting without big, over bearing personalities anyway. It tends to bring out opinion, which is part of what the media is all about. And it’s what normally fuels those sad people that stoop to ‘cheerleading’ for their favourite networks by spewing out lame put-downs. Seven is doing what it rightly should do….compete with Nine by upping the ante. And hell, it might even work. But let’s remember – the only thing that would really bring in ratings is some poor sap who is lucky enough to win the $200,000 in the first place. Don’t forget… if you don’t like the ‘irritating people’ on television, there’s always House of Reps Question Time. Yay.

  4. Amen, Jack.

    Pardon my potty mouth, but O’ F***ing Keefe is an irritating, self-indulging, and worst of all FAKE waste of skin.

    I’m especially sick to death of his so-called “laugh”…

    WOMAN: I’m a mother of fou-

  5. Unless I’m a contestant, what’s it matter how much the prize is?

    They could win $2 as far as I’m concerned, as long as I’m entertained.

    Evan (in Taipei) :->

  6. I’ve previously commented that in my experience publicists are far too busy to indulge in adding blog comments. That said they do visit the site.

  7. Why for so long now on this site are people convinced there are network “plants” posting? Seems so pointless!
    I know a person who works at channel Ten admin and when I asked her way back about colleagues posting on blogs she laughed in my face.
    I don’t barrack for anyone!! And most of the time if a Network does very well it gets a little obnoxious and you tend to lean towards the other guy.

  8. Andrew O’Keefe horrifes me … he is so wrapped up in his own self importance and talentless antics that I cannot bear to watch him on screen for a second!

  9. Get back to work you lot, Mr Gygnell isn’t paying you to surf the net!

    every network would do their best to kill off a new competittor, so quit acting like nine is holier than thou

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