
What’s the rush, Eddie?

Good scoop by Marcus Casey in today’s Daily Telegraph (we love to read opinion over ‘puff pieces’), even if the Sydney papers do enjoy sticking the knife into Eddie too much.

GTV boss Jeffrey Browne told the newspaper at 12:45pm on Friday that, “What we don’t want to do is rush [McGuire] back to air on something that’s not right, and we’ll take the time to find the right show for Eddie,” he said in part.

“He knows we’re working on it . . . and the issue is getting the right format, and time defines that principal.”

Karl Stefanovic was to temporarily step into the ACA role from tonight, but Nine says “something came up.” That’s a line that Marcia Brady once used to turn down a dull date for the ‘big man on campus.’

So by Friday night, David Gyngell rang McGuire asking him to step up to the plate. After calling AFL on SEN radio, Eddie Everywhere called Gyngell back to say yes. And that’s why nobody in the media saw this one coming, it was completely left of field at minutes to midnight.

On Friday 1 vs 100 was soundly beaten by Better Homes and Gardens in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth, where it came fourth behind the ABC. There’s only a handful of eps left. Nine is obviously testing the waters with McGuire at the desk. If it fails, then it will be written off as a ‘5 day filler.’ If it works, the network has new options to consider. Thus the move has some safety guards in place.

As the Telegraph concludes, “a spokeswoman said ‘not to read anything’ into Friday night’s snap decision. How can you not?”

Source: Daily Telegraph

2 Responses

  1. Good points on all counts Lancer. The sad part of it all is there are heaps of amazing shows like Pushing Daisies and Chuck that are going to be screwed over by this network in the future. Thank God for downloads.

  2. Thanks for the update.

    It’s not going to make me watch, if anything I’ll avoid it even more, I hate reality and game shows and so called news shows like ACA and TT I hardly even watch 60 Min unless there is a story on I’ll interested in.

    I don’t even know what they had on this week cause for the most part I avoid ch9 since they screw the viewers so bad with drama’s and comedies, look at what happens every summer with new shows, 2 eps later they are dumped and before long they are 2-3 season behind!

    Who was the bright spark who let this idiot run ch9 into the ground!

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