
Seriously confusing Mondays

Honestly, how can anyone keep track of TEN's Mondays with all these changes? Now Supernatural is back, but 90210 is bumped to Fridays.

Updated. In the musical chairs that is Network TEN’s Mondays (seriously) comes another round of changes to keep viewers on their toes. Have some sympathy for the poor folk at Pagemasters who have to enter these into all your print guides…

Now it seems Supernatural is returning, with a double season premiere at 8:30pm Monday October 6th. The first hour screened in the US last week. A week later it screens at 9:30pm.

That pushes 90210 out to a new time of Fridays at 8:30pm, edging the movie The Bourne Supremacy to 9:30pm.

Plans for Good News Week to return at 9:30pm Monday October 6th with a clip show are now out. It’s back 8:30pm on October 13.

Fans of Burn Notice and Torchwood (TEN HD), please don’t even ask how it will affect you shows, this appears to be a moving feast within TEN programming.

At this stage Burn Notice remains out with 2 eps after Sept 29, and Torchwood is (hopefully) back 10:30pm Mon Oct 6 on TEN HD. But don’t tell your PVR just yet.

Yesterday TEN even accidentally sent out an amendment with GNW‘s “Second Coming” in at 8:30pm Mon 6th, an error this site didn’t even publish. Perhaps the erratic changes are even beginning to confuse them.

As it stands here is the current line up (Melb):

Mon Oct 6
7:30pm Australian Idol
8:30pm Supernatural (Series Return)
10:30pm Ten Late News with Sports Tonight

Fri Oct 10
7:30pm America’s Next Top Model
8:30pm 90210
9:30pm Friday Night Movie – The Bourne Supremacy
11:40pm Ten Late News
12:10am Sports Tonight
12:40am The Late Show with David Letterman

Mon Oct 13 TEN HD
7:30pm Australian Idol
8:30pm Good News Week
9:30pm Supernatural
10:30pm Torchwood

TV Tonight recommends readers consult programming changes via tags and Coming Soon section for premieres / finales.

Kindly link to this site when sourcing or posting in messageboards, thanks!

53 Responses

  1. …hang on confused?? -blinks- are you saying after playing the 1st episode for season four of Supernatural at 8-30pm….the next week it will be shifted to
    9-30pm? No…now I’m just really confused.

  2. I seem to be the odd one out here, but I think 90210 on Friday is a great move. There is nothing on Fridays and while the so-called target audience will supposedly be out clubbing, I think it’s actually the younger generation without IDs who will lap up ANTM and 90210 together. 90210 will just continue to get slaughtered on Monday nights and it’s too volatile a slot to expect Ten to wait for the clubbers to build loyalty to it. If Ten can keep it consistent, even on a quiet night like Friday, it might have a chance to build an audience.

    Now am I making this up or did the original 90210 air on Friday nights? X-Files in its early seasons certainly did and it was great.

    Now if only they’d play Torchwood on Friday too…… 🙂

  3. Must be golden rule in Television.

    Ten rotates shows on Mondays & Fridays
    Nine buys sci fi shows then refuses to show them
    Seven just can’t quite work out what Live sport means.

    Above all, the golden rule is “Blame the Public for not watching”

    P.S. David, Don’t supose you have figures at hand of how many bumped/swapped shows “just dropped out of schedule over year.
    Odds are it wil average 10 per week.

  4. Why put a show aimed specifically at youth on a Friday night? Friday nights are not a night for shows like 90210. Why bother fasttracking something if you’re not going to give it the respect it deserves? Still, my rules ring true- don’t fasttrack the first season of a show.

    This feels like Smallville on Saturday nights when it used to be on Nine. The show was moved to Saturday nights, though shortly afterwards Nine started to complain no one was watching. Hmmm…. Perhaps that’s because it’s target audience were out! Seems Ten is following suit….

  5. Honestly, I’m not bothered! SUPERNATURAL IS BACK. That is all I needed. For now.
    And I love 90210, and ANTM so Friday’s finally a great night of TV!
    Thanks Ten. 😀

  6. I blame the nerds who download the shows and then bitch about there is nothing on tv.
    E.g 90210, prison break, heroes, lost.
    the shows and tv networks outside the US that target a demographic under 39 cant win.

  7. Well thats just annoying. Mondays worked perfectly for me, with Idol then 90210, with nothing on fridays. But now C10 had to go ruin that -hmph-

    And on the mention of C10, what with TakeOut taking over The Simpsons at 6pm? Channel 10 at 6 is home to The Simpsons, who cares about that other show, no offence to James Kerly. Ridiculous, I say.

  8. I have given up on free to air tv except for the ABC and SBS. At least they seem to stick with shows through there series which gives shows time to develop and grow on you.

    Its fantastic to switch onto ABC on Wednesday and know that Spicks and Specks will be on and then the next ep of the I.T. Crowd, Librarians, Hollowmen, Very Small Business etc etc will be on until the series is done. I dont have to consult my TV book or Foxtel IQ and cross my fingers hoping and praying that my fav show has not been replaced by Charlie Sheen, Gordon Ramsey or Homer Simpson.

    On that point who is 7’s Sheen/Ramsey/Simpson. The old reliable that can be pulled off the bench when surprisingly Hole in the Monster House, Viva Burn Notice or Sir Alan Sugars Canal Road has been pulled because it didnt rate high enough in the first 30 seconds.

    And that is why every night I go home and give my Foxtel IQ a pat on the head and thank god for pay TV.

  9. well this now leaves the question of with the GNW and supernatural combo, which will be 8:30pm and which will be 9:30pm? coz last time GNW came first, will they do the same again or swap them? although i prefer supernatural, i also prefer to see it unedited, and so 9:30 may be the better time so they don’t have to cut pieces out.

  10. Okay I’m confused David 😆 So Friday the 10th will that be 90210 from the same week as the US or the week before? as having it on Friday would mean they could air it just 2.5 days after the US airs it on Wednesday morning our time.

    And these changes take affect from the week after next so next Monday still has 90210?

    I agree Friday might work for some as it’s a less busy night but the target audience better set the PVR as most of them will probably be out.

    BTW the Supernatural season return is a good ep.

  11. jaxmachine:
    TEN had a pointless 2 min show at the begining of last year prior to Neighbours. It was called ‘Tonight on Ten’. It was so tryhard and they tried to be funny and make really bad puns. I love puns, but not those ones. It was so bad it only lasted a few weeks. Every show they advertised was edited so much and out of contect to make the shows sound better than they really were.

    With all the changes they make these days, that show could actually come in handy.

    Tonight on Ten, “Your guide might say 90210, or GNW, but surprise, it’s now Supernatural. It wont really start at 8:30, so set your PVR 8:37pm, and add an extra 10mins to the end of the recording too, as it is bound to finish after the scheduled end time. We do that to trick you into staying on TEN all night long, and to grab additonal ratings for the 1/2 hour block
    See you tomorrow, unless we get axed”

  12. TEN’s schedule is becoming a bit like Melbourne’s weather. If you don’t like it, wait a few minutes, it will change to something completely different !!!

    Heaven’s forbid if you planned you TV watching based on what was advertised or what was on last week.

  13. My god this is crazy. Luckily I dont watch Supernatural, GNW or Burn Notice. I have seen Torchwood already and obtain 90210 via download. No wonder my Foxtel IQ has more shows on it than my FTA PVR, nothing ever seems to air or stay the same.
    The target audience for 90210 are usually not home on a Friday night, so already they are losing the audience.
    Why is Next Top Model on a Friday night? I could be a great lead in for the young’ns that watch Idol rather than more repeats of TGYH.
    The only show I watch on TEN is Rush, that’s becasue it is Australian and I cant download it prior to the time it airs, same with City Homicide on Seven.
    I think there are only about 4 shows on FTA that i watch now, Foxtel is improving and downloads are much more convenient and trust worthy.

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