
Two thumbs up for Underbelly

The first review of Underbelly's prequel is glowing. But will Nine have to tread a delicate line to stay on the right side of ACMA?

underbelly09aAfter Sydney media was invited to a four episode preview of Nine’s Underbelly prequel yesterday, the first review is in, and it’s good. In fact it’s glowing.

The Daily Telegraph’s Erin McWhirter says it hasn’t just lived up to expectations but “pole-vaulted past it.”

“The violence is brutal, especially that displayed by Clark, who boasts a cool-as-a-cucumber exterior but has a raging devil inside.

“As for the sex, its holds a strong presence but the show treads the line of sensational and sleazy and it’s all within context.”

She adds, “The craftsmanship, casting, acting, direction and soundtrack are world class.”

Yesterday Nine announced the premiere timeslot for Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities as 8:30pm Monday February 9th, carrying an M classification.

The show will likely come under scrutiny by parties who complained about the series to ACMA last year. ACMA ultimately deemed some episodes breached classification codes for its language and depictions of nudity.

MA material can only be screened from 9pm. Under ACMA rulings, a show must adhere to its classification across the length of its broadcast, regardless of when it finishes.

According to ACMA, an M classification can include depictions of violence, sex and nudity, drugs, suicide, adult themes and use of coarse language -but there are limitations on all.

– Violence must be not frequent, high in impact and must be justified by the storyline.
– Intimate sex must be implied or simulated in a restrained way in the context of a storyline.
– Nudity must be justified by the storyline and not be detailed in a sexual context.
– Coarse language must be infrequent and not aggressive. It can be allowed more frequently in “certain justifiable circumstances” when relevant to the storyline.
– Intravenous use of illegal drugs must not be show in detail.
– Intense adult themes must be “handled with care.”

Source: The Daily Telegraph, ACMA

11 Responses

  1. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if 9 were forced to move it back to a 9.30 slot after 1 week. It could be edited. But take away the sex, the heavy drug use and there’s not much left to watch though.

  2. oh please ACMA push it to 9:30 i’m surprised they haven’t already. i don’t want DH to be ruined, its such a classy show that deserves a big audience.

    i have a feeling that DH fans will watch it and tape UB though.

  3. It’s already been announced as going to 8.30pm though which sounds ideal from a ratings stand point which is what Nine care about.

    The only downside is I may have to wait longer then usual for my Sea Patrol fix that is if Nine intend on leaving it on Mondays.

  4. oh i so hope it goes to 9:30, i really want DH to do well. as jerome said it won’t necessarily be a bad thing for underbelly.

    i think it suits 9:30 anyway, and would cause so much less stress for everyone

  5. i read an article on how bad 9’s financial situation is and it is baaaad i tell you. i doubt they will be taking any risks with ACMA. i don’t like the chances of it being played in full at 8:30. that will probably be this years drama (as opposed to last years vic ban) Anyway would it be that bad to push it to 9:30? i will be biased because i love desperate housewives and want to see it do well.

    shows can still be successful at 9:30. and that is when more people are in the mood for hard hitting drama. 8:30 is for sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, of which underbelly most definitely isn’t.

  6. I think 9 should just breach the hell out of the ACMA guidelines and weather the fines later…

    Alternatively, they could set aside a timeslot each week in which to air ‘Underbelly Uncut’, for those that want the full MA version…

  7. Hmm I’d like to see a 9pm timeslot, just throw another episode of Two and A Half Men at 8.30. That way we can get all the violence and gore 😛

    I’m looking forward to it, but I’ll record it on my PVR, I want to watch the Housewives, done so for 4 years not going to change my mind now.

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