
All in Call engaged

Please continue to hold. Your All in Call is important to us. Just not this weekend.

sundaynight21There will be no All In Call on 7HD this coming weekend.

TV Tonight understands Sunday Night will be abandoning most of its normal format for a financial special.

As a result The All In Call is held over.

8 Responses

  1. I don’t usually watch Sunday Night but I always try and flip back and forth between SYTYCD and All in Call. Oh well, I can live without watching Seven.

  2. i just saw the ad and it looks like the whole show will be an all in call. it looks similar to last years specials. they have kevin rudd and a forum with experts.

  3. Ryan, they already got a huge one-up on 60 Minutes with the bushfires, which they covered two weeks running on Sunday Night while 60 Minutes was off the air one week due to a lame cricket game, and patting themselves on the back for their 30th birthday the next :)

  4. Financial special? Why? These things always give the same advise – pay your debts first, don’t get in over your head, make a budget and stick to it, cut out unecessary expenses, shop around for the best deal, etc…

    Agree and prefer they should maintain a format and grow audience, and have a financial story only, with other stories.

  5. i don’t think this show is working in its current form the hosts seem a little redundant. The guests in the studio are a waste why bother bringing them in? And munro sorry but he’s a bit of a tosser. Mind you what do i know i could be just having a bad day today.

  6. Abandoning its format? Is that really a smart move for such a new current affairs show? I can understand focusing on the financial crisis as it is worsening but cutting down the shows format isn’t a wise move by Seven especially if they want to get 1 up on 60 Minutes.

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