
T.R. Knight exits Grey’s Anatomy

No surprises here. George O'Malley will no longer be resident at Seattle Grace.

gomT.R. Knight (‘George O’Malley’) was released from his Grey’s Anatomy contract this week.

A source indicates that show creator Shonda Rimes had until June 30 to decide Knight’s fate, but the actor went directly to the network to ask to be released early.

“He’s had enough of Shonda and ABC,” the source said. “He decided to take back his powers.”

It follows on-going comment that this season the actor has been given next to no major storylines.

Rimes said the O’Malley character was intentionally written lighter during the last half of the season in order for a season finale story to work (to tell you more would be a spoiler).

The show is due to conclude in Australia with that ep sometime next month, and as is now clear, never to return George.

Source: US Magazine, EW.com

13 Responses

  1. Hey I ain’t complaining Kathy! By *that* spoiler, I do not mean TR Knight leaving. Anyone who knows what becomes of George will know what *that* means, and David did not do this revealing. I blame my own sticky beak for reading it elsewhere. David has every right to announce casting news, departures etc. If he had a head line saying “George leaves dying of Swine Flu” then maybe that’s going too far, but he hasn’t… so all is good!

  2. ITA David, actors leaving are not spoilers, some shows like to keep that under wraps until the season ends, but that is a little hard when shows like GA are still aired several months after the US. It worse when they move on to new projects and we here see that before they finish on the old show, because of delays in airing.

    So much for ch7 promising to fast track GA and a number of other shows this season…

  3. I agree with ryno & Marco. I couldn’t give two shoots about Grey’s Anatomy, but I know a lot of people do. And I think the season finale hasn’t aired in Australia yet (correct me if I’m wrong).

    I get up a lot of other TV blog sites overseas about putting spoilers in the title (EW anyone?). It doesn’t take much to write a title like ‘Who’s leaving Grey’s Anatomy?’ or something like that. It’s especially bad if we’re reading this site through feeds and you’re only seeing article titles….kinda hard to avoid.

    But to your credit, I don’t remember seeing many spoiler titles on this site.

    1. Re spoilers: Frankly this is a television news site. Actors resigning or being axed from a show I deem to be legitimate news, and there are times it is even major news with follow up stories. How their character exits the show I consider a spoiler and treat that information accordingly. Similarly, we all know David Tennant is leaving Doctor Who. Yet it hasn’t aired here. Expecting this kind of info to be somehow wrapped up in spoiler alerts is just impractical to running a site of this nature -especially when it is widely reported everywhere else. The line in the sand is between what pertains to on air and what is off air.

  4. If you don’t want to know what is happening in these shows, then don’t visit the site. I come to visit TV Tonite for every bit of TV news, whether it be spoiler or not.

    Keep up the good work David.

  5. His story lines have been light this season but that’s not to say I don’t enjoy his character. I think unless you are privy to what goes on behind the scenes, it would all be speculation. Re The spoiler. Yes I have seen it. Looks like a powerful ending!

  6. I know how he goes, well assuming he doesn’t do a cameo in the first ep next season. I guess given the part 2 years Australian audiences will have to wait until Jan 2010 for an answer…

  7. Interesting, and probably about time he left. I was just spoiled today about his upcoming storyline. Hopefully T.R. moves onto better things.

    1. I write spoilers for on air content, such as what happens to his character, which in this case I avoided detailing. Was it a spoiler that David Tennant was leaving Doctor Who? No, it’s news. It’s a spoiler as to how….

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