
Dexter “will eventually die”

"The show is like a shark. It has to keep moving forward. And if it runs out of things to eat it's going to die."

Michael-C-Hall_lAt Comic Con, TV scribe Michael Ausiello sat down with Michael C. Hall to discuss Dexter, and most particularly it’s future.

Showtime is committed to a fifth season, but beyond that who knows?

“The show is like a shark. It has to keep moving forward,” said Hall. “And if it runs out of things to eat it’s going to die.”

Source: EW.com

6 Responses

  1. It’s such a well-written show, and only when you try to explain it to someone who doesn’t watch it, do you realise how veyr clever they’ve been, to make someone so wrong so sympathetic.

  2. I can’t seeing the show going past the 5th season. End it while it’s still at the top of it’s game, not a fading has been. Along with The Sopranos this is the best show i’ve seen.

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