
Reminder: MasterChef results

A reminder to all readers, especially those not on the East Coast, TV Tonight will be publishing the winner's details immediately after it has aired.

mchefA reminder to all readers, especially those not on the East Coast, RSS feeders and republishing bots:

TV Tonight will be publishing the winner of MasterChef Australia immediately after it has aired on TEN on Sunday night.

This is in keeping with site policy that content aired on Australian television qualifies as news and is no longer a Spoiler. This continues to be the practice for television events such as The Biggest Loser, Australian Idol, Eurovision and Australia’s Next Top Model etc.

This will include the name of the winner in the headline.

Other media, including newspaper websites will also be running the same information at the same time, and therefore this site will not be hiding the news in spoiler alerts.

It is highly likely to be the biggest audience of the TV year and as such warrants feature coverage on this site.

Readers in WA and SA and those who are recording the finale -you have been warned.


40 Responses

  1. Oh David, honestly. It’s not about TV vs Movies, it’s about the principle of spoilerage, but I think you already know that.

    Look, ultimately, I don’t really care. I usually know these things before anyone else anyway. I just feel sorry for the newbie readers out there who aren’t familiar with your spoiler policy, or didn’t read your previous warning posts – bang – getting the spoiler right in the headline.

    Maybe if you explain this, it will all become clear – why do you feel so strongly about putting the name of the person in the headline?

  2. I think the media have been very responsible as the winner is known to quite a few. Lets hope they get there timing right. Although i couldn’t care less about it i would hate to see the shows fans robbed

  3. “It is highly likely to be the biggest audience of the TV year …”
    Who’d have thought 3-4 months ago we would have ever seen that sentence written about MasterChef?? What a massive, amazing story this show has been this year! David, you are right on the money as usual. To sit on the story and miss being able to publish the headline as “Person X is the First MasterChef!” just for the sake of the one or two people who won’t watch this massive event live would be a shame and a journalistic blight..

  4. Hey guys, at least David isn’t revealing it to us before it’s even aired in the east coast (remember the Herald Sun revealing Bob winning The Biggest Loser this year? :P).

  5. I still really don’t see your rationale regarding ‘spoilers’.

    You say once something’s aired, it’s not a spoiler. So with that theory, if someone told you the surprise ending of a movie you really wanted to see, they can say to you, “Well it started at the cinema last Thursday…..it’s not a spoiler!”

    Again, it doesn’t harm anyone making the headline of the article, “And the winner of MasterChef is…..” It conveys the contents of the article, it’s a non-spoiler, and people can choose to click through if they want to or not.

    lol, I just read through the comments and saw someone else making that suggestion. It’s pretty much established ‘Netiquette’.

    1. I look forward to you explaining this to all the newspaper websites on Sunday night plus radio stations plus late night news. I’m running a site on TV news not movies, DVDs or mystery books where the butler did it. MasterChef Australia winner is TV news.

      And based on your theory, when exactly would it be ok to write the name in the header? Monday morning? Monday night? Old news by then…

      I’ve given a heads up on this and I’ve been consistent with the policy across the duration of the blog.

    1. Been asked this a few times. TEN splits the show into 2, just to get a higher figure for the final 30 minutes. It will be over 2.5 but the question is how high? It won’t beat Idol 2004 which was 3.35m.

  6. @dawkins, just checking, pretty sure I was jk 😉

    Frankly I welcome tomorrow’s end of MasterChef… Any chance Big Brother will return next year instead?? (jk, sort of)

  7. Anyone west of Broken Hill should stay in a media blackout till the Masterchef GF ends in their timezone. And dontcha love the On-Demand whiners? Perfect world not so perfect now huh? If you don’t want it spoiled, watch it as-programmed. And for the Sunday night workers, any boss who doesn’t let their staff watch it on-the-job is a bum.

  8. @Koverstreet: How long do you expect blogs and websites hold off on revealing winners after they’ve aired so that you don’t get spoiled because you taped it? If you don’t want to know, keep away from the internet, easy.

  9. totally agree but its very courteous of you to warn those that complain. By the time the winner is revealed in the east the show would’ve already begun in the west where fans should be watching. As for those who record it good luck avoiding it before it airs it’ll be on the news in the paper on the radio you’ll hear people talking…. But you’ll still blast David?

  10. Neon / Koverstreet: The news is not “somebody” won MasterChef. the news is “Person X” won MasterChef. The reality is it will be news all over the web at Daily Telegraph, Age, H Sun etc as soon as its over. There’s no reason why a television blog, of all things, should be left to hide major television news. Again it’s not a spoiler once it’s aired. Simple.

  11. @mikeys why do you need it earlier, not enough time between now and tomorrow night for you to prepare to not visit this site for a few hours? Really it is a non issue.

  12. Thanks although this warning would have been better posted before previous evictees were revealed. I don’t usually complain about much but I was seriously annoyed when i popped on to this site before i watched the ep (i usually tape it and watch later) only to see Chris had been eliminated. Ugh!! The article should have shown nothing except spoilers inside if you wish to proceed. Sorry but this really got my heckles up!

  13. re: Leon says:
    July 18, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    It’s nice how Ch10 doesnt care about WA & SA viewers..

    Why would it be the fault of Ch10 – Since when have they been managing the Australian time zones ???

  14. No objection to you publishing the winner immediately, but why do you have to put their name in the headline? If you had something like “and the winner of Masterchef is…” and then named them in the body of the story, it wouldn’t stop those of us who record on PVR to watch later from viewing your site at all until afterwards.

    However the reminder/warning is appreciated 🙂

  15. What odds will you give me David that, even after this warning, someone will still complain that you have revealed the winner before they have seen it?

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