
Second chance for Tom, Poh & Justine.

Eliminated contestants Tom, Poh and Justine are the three chefs brought back into MasterChef Australia.

mca0Eliminated contestants Tom, Poh and Justine are the three chefs brought back into MasterChef Australia.

The three were brought back into the TEN reality series via a challenge to feed 200 sailors in the Australian navy.

They now compete alongside Chris, Andre, Sam and Julie for a place in the final week beside Lucas and Julia.

By the end of the episode Tom and Sam had served up dishes with the lowest scores, pushing them into a head to head challenge tomorrow.

This post updates.

30 Responses

  1. Some of the losers getting a 2nd. chance?
    How unfair and how it smells of what the Big Brother show use to do.
    Alas, Poor old Tom, a two time loser.
    The show has lost us at home here.

  2. If these 3 can be invited back what about the others that weren’t, how fair is it…….besides the remaining contestants have had to fight through a lot more since the ‘new’ ones left so how is it fair that they can just come back in……..just when we thought thank goodness Poh has gone & we are stuck with her again, how did her dish get voted 3rd when nobody was eating it?????????????

  3. Has taken me a while to realise but Andre is actually kinda cute. Nice bloke, really. He’s just flown under the radar for so long. 🙂

  4. Off topic a bit, but…

    Has anyone else noticed MC was down to 7th in ratings on Tuesday, the episode where Andre cooked off against a Celeb Chef. I am wondering if it because, like me, no one likes Andre???

    C’mon Juzzie!!!

  5. Yet another stupid idea to add to the ones already used in this show.
    It really peeves me that they take the name from something that is so good and just mess with it like they have.
    Oh and Poh coming back. No surprise there after all the ‘encouragement’ George and Garry have given her since the start.

  6. Yay Justine is back. I am glad because she is the one i was rooting for until she got eliminated. She so deserves a 2nd chance.

    I dont see the harm in this at all. I mean why cant it happen? I know maybe the way it happened is a bit weird but i think its great. I also love Poh and i know she has made bad decisions in the past but as long as she doesnt continue to do that she may win it. Still people differ with opinions.

  7. I just don’t get why Poh is back. It’s obviously not on merit – she fried meringue for heaven’s sake. It must be because George missed his girlfriend. Goodluck to Justine and Julie.

  8. @ Tim

    Not sure luck had anything to do with it, the brief was to check out the contents of the fridges which should have given them a good indication of whats popular, something Sam didn’t do. It’s time to go. Tom shouldn’t have a problem in the taste test given that he has a palate… 🙂

  9. Hey David, Thanks for the update, great to know if i miss a show i can log on here and catch up on what has happened in real time. Keep up the good work. Cheers

  10. the eliminated contestants should have battled each other to regain their positions instead of the judges just picking them, as positions should be earned.

    also the selective editing was very deceptive as it showed no-one eating poh’s soup yet she cam third with around 30 votes.

  11. Dumb question David but could you please tell me (if you already know) the date that MC is intended to conclude? With 7PM Project ads already screening and still 8 contestants left even with 2moro’s elimination they must be have to get rid of a lot of them soon.

  12. Very happy that Poh is back! =D
    If we’re going to discuss fairness, how is it fair that any contestant be eliminated based on a taste test whereas others leave on the back of a dish they prepared themself? Really dumb idea.

  13. Justine clearly proved that she deserves to be in it, even though it was a lucky guess that lamb shanks were a favorite with the crew. Its also good that Chris got a wake up call.

  14. Was entirely suprised that Poh’s dish wasn’t bottom 3 – I was just praying Chris had to face elimination, unfortuantely it wasn’t to be.

    1. Ryan I’ve had this discussion before (Idol, Dance, BB etc). Once it’s aired it is no longer a spoiler it is news. This is a television site logging television news. If people want to shield themselves from info they can make that personal choice. This is also in the About page.

      It’s already on Yahoo. So why would this site hide it? Doesn’t make sense.

  15. They all look like the viewer favourites.. They all seem pretty down to earth those 3 which should be good.. i can see one of them becoming the first masterchef!

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