
Eliminated Idol: “TV show posing as a competition”

Sabrina Bashton slams Australian Idol as boring and fake with scathing comments on its judges.

sabAs reality television, Australian Idol has struggled to make an impression this year, having dumped its most controversial element, Kyle Sandilands.

Lacking any headline-grabbing comments from those left in the show, it may have taken an eliminated contestant, Sabrina Batshon, to do it for them.

In a blog for the Daily Telegraph, she was brazenly honest with her feelings, as these excerpts illustrate:

The Idols are my best friends and I don’t have any ill feeling towars them. They are all extremely talented and I think Idol has created a bad name for itself. It’s the people that vote and the way the cookie crumbles. I think they need new judges. People are getting really bored and the judges are under alot of pressure to give a good show and when you are just saying things to entertain people, people get bored. Dicko’s gotten away with murder, and Marcia’s very kind. JDee needs alot of time to warm up. But with JDee you need 2 stronger judges, and Marcia and Dicko are not as strong. I think Dicko has said a lot of things, he makes derogatory comments and i don’t know if the fans agree with that, his jokes are not funny. We;ve watched that year after year and it gets boring.

I miss Kyle, I prefer him over all the judges. The feedback has not been helpful for me, its been purely contradictory. Dicko thanked me for helping them make great TV last night after the show finished. It didn’t upset me, but I’m very aware of it all. I feel like I’ve been looking at everything from the rooftops and its a TV show first and foremost posing as a competition.

JDee has had an awkward start, Marcia isn’t very social, Dicko was very playful and JDee was always very nervous.

Im 24 and entered this comp as an adult, i dont recommend people entering under 18 or 16, u can get caught up in the fakeness of it all, none of it is real. Most of what the judges tell you is not real or factual, often it is just for show and entertainment.

I think Stan will win it, because he makes great TV and he is a talented artist, i adore him, i think he can surpass the theatrics of the show.

Source: Daily Telegraph

39 Responses

  1. You only have to look at the winners from previous years to know that it’s not all about talent. You don’t have to be a genius to realise it’s all about trying to make good television that has obviously had its day. Hang it up next to big brother. It’s all over. Personally they need to get rid of all 3 judges. I find them extremely boring and they lack of credentials in identifying talent.

  2. I for one was very angry and disappointed that Sabrina was voted out. I voted for her, even though the last few years I haven’t been interested enough to vote anymore. I didn’t like anyone enough. I was loving her and James from the auditions the most. Although I admit her last performance could’ve been better, all her other performances have been outstanding. I think Tim and Stan are both crap and Toby isn’t much either. They would be my bottom 3 for sure.
    Kyle was my favourite judge also and I was p-ssed that he was sacked. It Is boring without him. JD is pretty-much a boy-version of sickly-sweet Marcia. She annoys me, always has. I like Dicko, but we need something more.
    Often I disagree with the judges, who they think is great, I think is crap and vice versa. (eg. Stan)
    I also agree with the comments regarding voting before people have sung. It’s ridiculous. I also think “The Public” just didn’t like Sabrina for whatever reason (talking back most likely), but I don’t think it’s about her singing because her voice is amazing. Good on her for sticking up for herself.

  3. Sabrina is just a really sad and pathetic case of sour grapes. It’s no surprise that she’s acting the wat she is, she was screeching and screaming everyone deaf.
    Very glad to see the back of her.

  4. Tick, tick, tick. That’s the sound of the last three seconds of her fifteen minutes of fame. How “would be if she could be but she won’t be” can you get?

  5. We are not getting to know these people. We need that extra night, maybe before elimination to watch more about them, get to know more about the person we are watching singing. Sabrina is a bitter girl, we predicted her backlash the night of her audition.

  6. Wow. Seriously?

    What’s next, Survivor contestant complains that the show is a “TV show posing as a camping trip?”

    Anyone who enters a TV competition, and then complains that the producers are more interested in making high rating TV than they are in discovering talent is an idiots. Fact.

  7. Agree totally with Nick – by having the voting numbers on during the entire show, so you can vote before you’ve heard the contestants sing is making it purely a popularity vote – i’m not saying that this hasn’t been the case in the past, but how can you possibly vote for someone before you hear them? It just takes away any of the pretence that it is a talent show – they may as well call it Big Brother Idol!

    Secondly – the judges. In the few bits I have seen of the show (I missed Sundays so I don’t know if they were harsher or not) don’t really seem to be listening – they would rave about contestants that just sounded Awful! It made me suspect that they were told to be a bit warm and fluffy to continue the “Masterchef” vibe. But what they’ve been left with is boring, beige and ignorant comments.

  8. girlfriend should watch what shes saying, im willing to bet that despite her being eliminated she will be contracted to the show until the season has wrapped, id also be willing to bet there is a caluse in her contract that prevents her mouthing off to whoever she feels like while shes still under contract.

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