
1996: Harry Connick on MAD TV

In 1996 Harry Connick Jr. appeared in a sketch on MAD TV in a Baptist preacher sketch.

harry-connick-jrIn 1996 Harry Connick Jr. appeared in a sketch on MAD TV in a Baptist preacher sketch.

In the sketch ‘Revs. LaMont Nixon Fatback’ and ‘Dr. Michael Cassidy’ talk about “the true meanin’ of Chrimmah”… all the things you can do with a “Hair Connick, Joonyah” Christmas CD when you’re all alone during the holidays.

Somehow I suspect it’s likely to be a bit of a talking point today after last night’s Hey Hey incident…..

Connick Jr. will also appear on Australian Idol this Sunday night.

56 Responses

  1. By people comparing this, it’s apparent that many Australians don’t get what blackface is. No wonder why they are left scratching their heads about the whole incident. Get yourself informed folks!

  2. Nice. Take the spotlight off Hey Hey by defaming the accuser.

    Blackface sketches are as outdated as Hey Hey itself. The whole controversy simply sums up why the show should not be renewed, under any circumstances.

    It’s stuck in a timewarp and while it’s fun for a little nostalgia, it’s not much good for anything else.

  3. @ LadyWriter – Well put !! well written !! Spot On !!

    I wasn’t going to comment on last nights grab for high ratings rubbish so thank you again for putting my thoughts into words.

  4. Harry’s comments last night show that he understands the actual origins of “black face” put down “humour” and I applaude his current stance. This clip has nothing to do with that as described by others in the comments.

    People just dont’ get it. I could make a joke about the Holocaust, 9/11 or people in a bushfire and it might be funny for some but I wouldn’t because it’s offensive for many more/most and there are plenty of others topics to joke about.

  5. This is hardly “blackface”. No exaggerated racial images – black shoe polish faces and wollywigs. Obviously people still don’t quite understand that it’s not about impersonation.

  6. David: I am not sure if this post is supposed to support Harry or support Hey Hey!

    According to me, you have given more enough reasons to hate ‘Hey Hey’ because this clip surely shows that Harry ‘has matured’ while ‘Hey Hey’ (atleast the producers/ host ) haven’t!

  7. This isn’t blackface..blackface is when you only paint the front of your face black, and leave your neck with “white skin.”…also blackface uses white gloves and the same bad wig on every performer ….Harry was portraying a black man

  8. I have a few points to make:
    *This was 13 years ago.
    *He is not ‘black face’ in the hideously outdated and racist sense of wearing boot polish on his face to look like a gollywog. He looks more like he’s been lying on a sunbed.
    *He is performing alongside mixed race people – so they are all equals.
    *He is sending himself up by proselytizing the “true meaning of Chrimmah” while trying to shill his CD. He is making fun of himself.

    I didn’t watch Hey Hey. The show used to give me the screaming s**ts back then and it’s no different now. A bunch of people thinking they’re funny, interrupting each other, telling old ‘jokes’ and wasting time.

  9. BTW, Im sending the same message across to all the outlets that are blasting US for the blackface.. They might retract a bit when they see HCJ himself in blackface!

  10. The world seems to have spawned a whole generation of people who could list their profession as “outraged” or “offended” While there was no malice in what was portrayed, even if it was in bad taste. People need to lighten up a little. There is plenty in the world to be rightly outraged over, a comedy parody stetch in a B grade variety program on TV is not one.

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