
Gone: Three Rivers

Alex O'Loughlin and the new docs of Three Rivers were given just one episode by TEN. Next week, replaced by an NCIS repeat.

trJust one episode…

That’s all Alex O’Loughlin and the new doctors at Three Rivers were given by TEN.

Next week it is replaced by a repeat of NCIS (of course).

The organ transplant drama took just 499,000 on Wednesday night, fourth in its slot. Highlighting the challenges for the show was its drop from NCIS: LA which won at 1.07m.

The show’s debut was also complicated by TEN switching the premiere to Episode Two after CBS introduced a character in its second ep who had already appeared in the first. The network says CBS gave them permission for the switch.

Three Rivers has attracted poor to middling reviews in the US but so far only two eps have aired.

TEN is yet to clarify any plans for the remaining episodes.

Oh the perils of fastracking… damned if you do, damned if you don’t…

65 Responses

  1. I hope Channel ten now schedule show for a late spot. At least I can record it and continue to watch. They have purchased show, we should get the opportunity to watch it.

  2. I am appalled that ten can axe this show after one Ep. No consideration was taken regarding the fans of the show nor the fact that this show had an Australian actor as the lead. Channel ten, you suck.

  3. I am so sad to hear that it will not be airing anymore. I am actually surprised about it.
    I was curious from the promo ads and was really impressed during the first ep. I found it more enjoyable than Mercy after just one ep and was looking forward to getting into another medical show. I love Grey’s Anatomy and Nurse Jackie.
    So here I was excited to see the next ep on a Wednesday night only to find out that NCIS was on. :(
    I at least hope it stays on in the U.S. so I get a chance to see more.

  4. what do tv stations take us viewers for a bunch of idiots …because the y seem to treat us like that. they encourage us to watch by advertising a new show and getting us to watch it then they take it away without so much as a sorry or an explanation they are rude and ungrateful to the loyal and to the people who cannot afford pay tv Is it anywonder the internet is overtaking the TV Boo to channel ten and channel nine a big raspberry to you both

  5. F*** you Channel TEN. The show was good and I would have enjoyed the opportunity to get more into it. Lets see how your ratings go with a repeat of NCIS!!! Commercial TV in Australia sux ass. So glad for Foxtel. Maybe someone with xome smarts there will pick it up.

  6. What the hell!!!!

    This is small mindedness at it’s greatest.

    Had to go through this with Moonlight and now Three Rivers didn’t even get a fair go.

    For god sake play it again and give it a fair go.

    Some advertising wouldn’t go amiss either.

    Open up your small boring minds at Channel 10 and let us see this show.

  7. You are Kidding! After only one episode Channel Ten you are cancelling Three Rivers and here I was thinking only Channel Nine did things like that, as they don’t care, Guys here is a show that could make a difference, it coukd change a lot of peoples lives for the better. I am not an Organ Donator, but after watching the show I am certainly going to change my licence. As for the show it had great promise and you most deffently did not give it a chance. If you ran it for 5 or more episodes we would of got to know the characters. I am very disapointed, as here was a show for the whole family. I did not know you could save, or make a difference to at least 50 people.

  8. Wow! a show i don’t want to watch replaced by another show i don’t want to watch eather. so sick of NCIS which ten insists on shoving down our throath, i could gag. do us all a favour ten put somthing i could look forward to, like the show House md which im sure everyone would rather tune in for.

  9. Why do we have to support a sub-standard, boring show just because it has an Aussie in it? Being an aussie on an american tv show does not automatically equal hit show. You still have to entertain people.

    PS – what’s with all the people called Lynn (in various spellings) that liked this show. Weird!!

  10. I am so disappointed. Why can we not support our own??? I loved this show and now it’s gone:-( no wonder all of our talent goes to the UK or the US, what chance do they have here??? oh wait….. we have home and away and neighbours and some other crap cop shows… need I say more?

  11. Okay I’ve now seen 2 ads for Three Rivers next week at 9:30 Wed, is the SC TEN just making an error or did TEN flip and decide not to keep it going? Well at least until CBS cancels it…

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