
Gone: Stargate Universe, Supernatural

Sci fi in Australia takes another hit. Standby for Monday night movies.

SupernaturalBoy, that didn’t take long….

TEN has dropped Stargate Universe and Supernatural from Monday nights.

Both shows are now out of schedule, giving the new sci fi just three weeks on air before being pulled.

On Monday night Stargate Universe took 487,000 viewers, leaving Supernatural just 394,000 and more importantly a lowly evening share of just 16% for the night.

They will be replaced by Monday night movies:
Jan 4: The Siege (1998)
Jan 11: Double Jeopardy (1999)
Jan 18: Speed (1994)

TEN is probably working out where to reschedule unaired episodes of both shows…. keep you posted on this one.

236 Responses

  1. You suck channel 10, you don’t even give SGU a chance to get off the ground. If you have not realised there is a following of stargate fans in Australia who would jump on board if you showed some respect for your viewers. Furthermore SGU will only get off the ground to capture new viewers if you stopped messing around with it and left it at on time once a week, and stopped having so many commercials.

  2. As much as I was looking forward to SGU I can appreciate that maybe, just maybe, ten had a valid reason for taking it off. What really p****s me off is that ten, like other channels, never gives viewers any explaination or announcement of their intentions. The show just disappears as if it never existed. There is no respect whatsoever for the viewers. Maybe one day enough viewers will get so p****d off there really will be boycotts of stations or at least of certain programmes because the only way to make the stations take any notice is to affect their bottom line, ie, the advertising revenue. It’s not from the viewers that they make their money, it’s from their advertisers. More people need to realise the way this system really works: the shows we watch on TV aren’t there to entertain us: they’re there as bait – we’re just the fish they catch to feed to the advertisers.

  3. Ahhh Ten, loved NCIS, but they started to run repeat episodes one week then new episodes the next, then not even half way through the new season they stop the new series and just played re-runs. How does this work? If the series wasn’t rating why stop the new series and continue to play repeats of the old series?

    Now with SG Universe something new to watch, no endless old repeats, and before viewers have a chance to get to into the series (usually most new series use half the first series to introduce the characters, set the scene and catch viewers interest), but no, they rip it of the air all together after 3 episodes and replace it with crap that they keep repeating and is such poor quality they were probably switched of by viewers half way through the first time they were shown.

    I had Foxtel Platinum for 7 years and finally dumped it because the repeats weren’t done just in a 1 month cycle so viewers could “watch shows at a time when they wanted” (as suggested by Fox), but series of shows were repeated again and again every 12 months, depite there being fresh new episodes made now, that weren’t being shown at all. And typically when I rang to say diconnect me they offered me cheaper rates to stay and just couldn’t grasp the concept that I was dumping them becuase I was sick of watching the same repeats. But I should have kept it, at least I would have had over 100 channels of repeats to choose from instead of a few FTA channels, and at least I would have got to see a full season (over and over again, but a full season at least).

    I just can’t understand, what happened to the good old days when you sat down at a set time each week to watch a favourite show, and a series used to run for ten months (not ten episodes)?

    You can see why commercial stations lobby for funding to the ABC/SBS be cut, they actually have new shows and people seem to be turning to them (just don’t add addvertisments to the ABC like SBS)..

  4. Someone out there with the skill, and information about ten should hack there computer and plant a program to keep putting the on, if they don’t have the new episodes make there system do rerun of the old episodes until they do. I ‘m sure there some viewer with the necessary information to do this, that might get ten attention, and they would probably put it back on again so that the hacker doesn’t start turning their signal off, and lose them heap of business.

  5. Boy this is a huge topic!!
    See how outraged the viewers are Channel 10!!!!!!
    Stop ignoring reality and act responsibly for once in your life …
    Has anyone asked … Where have they gone to????

  6. At least Channel Ten could just put Stargate on at 11pm. The Sci-fi minded will cop with that. Channel 9 did this with Star Trek – Next Gen for years. At least I got to see how Battlestar Galactica ended elsewhere.

  7. Its very simple, keep a record of who advertises in these time slots, when the station does a stupid act like this write to the customer service and marketing office telling them you are going to boycott their products because of the decision, and if it is not reversed within say three to four weeks then start boycotting those products. One of the fundamental problems with FTA is that they are all trying for the same target audience at the same time, when are they going to learn that if you aim for a different audience than your competitor then your numbers go up.

  8. We discovered at 830: SGU has been pulled by Ch10 with little notice to anybody. Annoyed. We had everything organised for a great sci fi night. Back to the DVD

  9. How could you do this the only two shows l watch on Monday replaced with crappy movies it is an insult to the world of television just buy the dvd for each series & let the tele stations go broke do not watch any thing on channel 10 for the next few months in protest.

  10. I didnt think Channel 10 would do a channel 7 or channel 9 on us with Stargate or Supernatural. but in the culture of recent FTA television it is to become expected.

    To the program director at ten here is a new promoo idea for ya, with Misha Collins & Jared Padalecki

    “Check out live interniews with Supernatural stars Micha and Jared where they speak candiatlly about stuffing up the viewership of its fan base by the pulling off of Tv shows Supernatural and Stargate after failing to pull the shows off as a sexy, sex filled rubbing frenzy”.

    Im having 2nd thoughts about convicing FFA to sign channel 10 up the FTA TV rights for the A league after this.

  11. I agree with all the program supporters, that this was crap, to make it wores they pulled itf during a to be continued episode

    To me this means 1/ do they watch their own shows or 2// they don’t care about us the viewers even if we are a small persentage

  12. It’s a joke, I remember when 10 stuffed up the last series of the X Files, they only seem interested in reality rubbish and crimes shows, theirs no loyalty to viewers and it’s an insult to have old movies on in their place. I wish Supernatural would go to SBS and Top Gear was staying there.

  13. I am so p*ssed off! Like Robyn I am on dialup as well and have no other means of watching TV other than on free-to air (Not HD) TV or TV series boxsets when they are out.
    I love Supernatural and have watched every ep on TV, and as others have mentioned I also know no-one with a ratings box.

  14. Checked paper TV guide (out of Sunday paper) Yes SGU is on. Checked Web TV guide (Tonight) Yes SGU is on. Sat down to watch it. Crap movie on instead. why take this show off in the first place and surely the channel could have notified the paper or at least updated their Own website. Thats really annoying and plain lazy.

  15. The commercial television networks in this country suck. They have no loyalty to any shows fan base and they treat the veiwing public like morons by putting on repeats of b and c grade movies. So I will be getting my fix of Supernatural and Stargate Universe and every other series that has been screwed with by the networks from elsewhere or I will simply buy the box sets of the series. I refuse to have Foxtel put on, it is certainly not worth the cost, lets face it if I wanted to be bored with reruns I’d stick to watching commercial television.

  16. I finally get everything rearranged, tuck in for my Monday night fix – way past my bed time BTW, and channel 10 have done this Again!!!! I’ve have been waiting for this episode of Supernatural since I read the blurb – classic set up – and instead we get 90’s movies and no time slot to look out for. Plus, I’m becoming a bit partial to Stargate Universe.

    Maybe if we tell them that it’s a reality show . . . I’m sure we’ll have it on every night till the end of time then.

  17. When Ten first aired SGU I reluctantly watched it because I’m a sci-fi buff and I’ve enjoyed SG – reluctantly because I am familiar with Ten’s history of canning shows midway and their greediness for advertising. Well Ten, you lived up to my expectations. I suffered through the first episode though continuity was incredibly difficult due to the stunning number of adds (such that SGU seemed like the commercial break!). And now, it is gone. Not good Ten. It won’t matter the movie you replace these shows with, I won’t be watching – yes, sure, something about nose, spite and face, but protest as I can, I will. Just do us a favour – Stop bidding for these great shows and let other networks air them instead. So, so bored with Ten.

  18. I turned on channel 10 – the only night I don’t stick with the ABC – for my sci-fi fix. @#$%&* it’s not only teenage boys who like that stuff. Oh well, back to the ABC…

  19. I have had a gutful of Ten. They do this constantly, the channel must be run by idiots. I turned the TV on tonight to watch Supernatural and there was a movie on.

    They get the good shows, and then move them from night to night, take them off for weeks, and then wonder why they don’t get an audience.

    Season 4 has gone on sale here, apparently, so I’ll be buying it for sure. And if it wasn’t, I’d just order it from the US. Non-region-encoded DVD players are so very civilised.

    And I most certainly will not be watching their movies. If White Collar’s season wasn’t ending, I’m sure they’d shaft that, too.

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