
Separated at birth?

It's a Reality TV blur ....the Bollywood dancer and single prince looking for love.

Contemporary dancer Robbie, from So You Think You Can Dance Australia, TEN.

Manvendra Singh Gohil from Undercover Princes, LifeStyle Channel.

ps. great dancing by the way, Robbie!

3 Responses

  1. While we’re on that topic…

    During Huey’s Cooking Adventures theres an infomercial for Swisse multi-vitamins. The guy who does that looks and sounds like Kevin The Alien, one of David Strassman’s puppets. Photo is here: toimg.net/managed/images/10032727/w200/h160/image.jpg

  2. lol. i loved dance last night so much better seeing 2 routines and nat is becoming a pro at hosting, ive noticed her alot more cheerful and jokey lately and im guessing thats cause of the baby

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