
Jackie Mac not yet back?

Media are again speculating about the line-up for Hey Hey it's Saturday return.

Media are again speculating about the line-up for Hey Hey it’s Saturday return.

The Daily Telegraph reports that Jacki MacDonald is an unlikely starter for tonight, noting that “yesterday she was spotted at the wheel of her tractor spreading seed on her property west of Ipswich, looking like a woman in no hurry to pack a bag for Melbourne.”

Producer Graeme Trippett has previously indicated MacDonald has an open invitation to appear on the show as desired, but MacDonald is widely known for being a reluctant star in the spotlight. It may well be a while before we see her.

However suggestions in article that Ossie Ostrich won’t appear are incorrect.

Aside from the fact that he is on billboards, and named in the show’s synopsis listing, Daryl Somers confirmed to TV Tonight (amongst other media) that Ernie Carroll will appear. In fact he’s “like a kid in a candy shop” with excitement.

In fact elsewhere in the same paper, it is even reported that “Ossie Ostrich puppeteer Ernie Carroll and original co-host Jacki MacDonald have committed to making appearances.”

Meanwhile, Daryl Somers says Seven tried to lure him back as early as this year, with a variety show, “it wasn’t going to be called Hey Hey but it was a Hey Hey-type show,” he says.

On his Twitter feed last night, Somers said: “less than 24 hours before the return of Hey Hey – very exciting! Don’t forget to use #heyhey when tweeting. Pls RT. http://www.heyhey.tv/”

Source: Daily Telegraph

6 Responses

  1. When i saw jackie on the hey hey reunion i couldnt get over how little she has changed over the years. her youthful looks are inspiring ., and she is just as entertaining as she has always been. Please come back to hey hey Jackie; You belong’.

  2. Bring our jackie back to stay , we all miss her bubbly way . Her unique wit , beauty and charm would certainly not do any harm. Darryl and jackie are like corn and peas, with the rest of the cast they aim to please. Now put them all together and what do have The best entertainment show buisness has ever had.

  3. I think I speak for many people in saying that hey hey its saturday is the most entertaining show ever put on television., and if Jackie were to return she would bring the house down , and the ratings would sky rocket . She is such a tallented amazing women , ‘ I dont think she even relises just how great she is . Although Darryl and the rest of the cast a truly amazing and funny , it would be so good to see Jackie back.! Keep up the good work hey hey . Its refreshing to have good entertaining television for a change. Love it”

  4. @Dakota: Jacki had been in the TV spotlight for over 20 years by the time she left Healthy Wealthy and Wise, after Hey Hey, so I would guess after that amount of time she just wanted to get away from the industry. Not every celebrity craves to stay in the spotlight forever.

  5. I think it is hilarious that the Tele use the fact that she was “spotted at the wheel of her tractor” as some sort of proof she wouldn’t do the show. It doesn’t take three days to fly from Brisbane to Melbourne.

  6. Can anyone fill me in on why Jackie became such a “recluse’ so to speak? My only real knowledge of celebrity history before 1998 is from watching tv, and I grew up watching Fast Forward and she seemed like such a huge cult figure back then. Was it the Graham Kennedy style situation where she felt she was too famous and needed privacy? She seemed like an amazing performer!

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