
Lost island map

Ever wondered where all those events happened on the Lost island?

Ever wondered where all those events happened on the Lost island?

One devotee, Jonah M. Adkins, has spent four years piecing together a geographic study of the island.

He lists locations of The Orchid, The Hydra, The Looking Glass, The Radio Tower, Flight 815 Fuselage, Four-Toed Statue, Jacob’s Cave, The Heart of the Island and more.

Everything but the Afterlife that is….

Worth checking out if you are a fan. You can see more here.

5 Responses

  1. Yeah the island initially seemed to have everything over long distances, then everything was a short walk.

    Looking at that, wouldn’t sayid have seen the light house when he walked around and found the cable from the looking glass that he followed to Rousseaus camp?

    Plus wasn’t hydra island across from the docks off the others? THe whole canoeing back and forth makes no sense if it’s around the island.

    The maps a nice try but there are also more things than these that don’t make sense.

  2. very good, i wonder if the producers put this much thought into it. one thing i always noticed was how characters would walk through the jungle for hours or days to initially find things like the hatch, caves, or beachcraft and then later in the series they would appear at the beach/hatch/beach/hatch in the space of one day.

    hydra island looks smaller than i though in that map.

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