
“You will pick a date. And you will stand down.”

On the night that the Prime Minister is challenged for his position, TEN launches Hawke promos, with the Deputy after the top job.

TEN was a bit late off the mark last night with the breaking news of the challenge to Rudd. It didn’t put a crawler on screen until just before 9pm, while others such as Laurie Oakes on Nine, broke into regular programming as early as 9:15.

TEN even had an Update at 8:30pm with no mention of the news ….could it have been pre-recorded?

But there was pure theatre following MasterChef when it aired the first look at its new Hawke telemovie at 9pm.

There in the Lodge was acool, calm Paul Keating (Felix Williamson) telling a fuming Bob Hawke (Richard Roxburgh) “You will pick a date… and you will stand down.”

Hawke was very possibly the last sitting PM to be challenged by his deputy.

The telemovie is expected soon on TEN.

33 Responses

  1. It’s either going to rate big, or rate Kennedy-Miller (i.e The Dismissal) big.

    Especially the way Masterchef rated last night, exposing two million unsuspecting viewers, on a night that will probably itself become a telemovie in twenty years time.

  2. David I think your mistaken … TEN here in Sydney at least had the breaking news ticker on during MasterChef as I saw it last night and immediately joined the debate on facebook … I didn’t watch the programs following MasterChef … So I’m certain. Also … That Hawke promo IMO wa fantastic

  3. I’m sorry, but some of the casting on this telemovie is appalling. I’m supposed to believe the gorgeous Asher Keddie is Blanche D’Alpuget??? Please! She’s far too young and pretty to be Blanche.

  4. they’re all pre-recorded, all networks do it consistently unless there is massive breaking news. They were obviously caught off guard and unprepared in the news room

  5. Well may I say, living in WA I wouldn’t use channel 9 as an example of what to do. While 7 cut away to news, as did 10, the ABC and 9 did nothing to my knowledge.

    For the ABC we were able to view the breaking news 2 hours later as ABCHD was interrupted, and, not that I looked, but I assume it was the same for 9. We were also treated to the ‘live cross’ the Laurie Oakes around 8:15, while a cross had already been done during the 6 o’clock news; the same actual time.

  6. thesportsfreak: ABC1 (and ABCHD) have been covering this non stop since 6am this morning (still going at 12:50pm), so it’s as good as having ABC News 24. ABC2 also covered it between 6am and 9am.

  7. bring it on i an really looking forward to it

    the latest breaking news on kevin rudd is that as well as all of entitelments he gets he will also be reciving a never ending supply of milky bars

  8. Here in perth we usually get our local news reader updating us untill around 9, 9.30pm but last night ten cut into masterchef and sandra sully was on. also 7 was screening at excatly the same time

  9. Didn’t the ABC cop it from Media watch a few years back for pre-recording its news updates in Brisbane????

    But “Hawke” looks like a brilliant production… I really hope Ten screen it soon, and don’t try to hold it for close to the election.

  10. Generally all News Updates are prerecorded to fit into automation playout and regionals inserting their own “Updates” rather than take Sydney “Updates”. That’s the danger of recording too far in advance.

  11. @Paull. I voted for a party with Kevin Rudd as leader. Clearly the unions and factions have confirmed who actually runs the country. My vote will be Informal at the next election.

  12. i reckon ten could give seven and nine’s boring factuals a run for their money if they keep making telemovies like this. it doesnt have to be political, it could be about sport or crime or even a certain tv tonight blogger.

  13. It was kind of surreal – turned over from Ten to the ABC where I got a case of De Ja Vu!!! So did Blanche get to pick who played her?? It really does look great! And the sequel is writing itself!

  14. Definately sounds completely suss,there’s no way they could have missed that important piece of news in the updates unless they were pre-recorded.

    On a personal note, despite being a liberal voter, I hope k rudd doesn’t get ousted as leader, sure he’s made mistakes, but nothing so big as to cost him his job. I was expecting to see him for at least 2 terms. But that’s looking unlikely even if labor wins the election.

  15. I wonder if, rather than pulling their news team back in for the break, they got the promo guys to get the Hawke preview ready to go RIGHT NOW PEOPLE.

    It looks brilliant .. and probably did them a lot more good than getting a newsbreak up to the minute.

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