
Gillard “plugs” Nine coverage in cheeky ad

"My message is to turn to Channel Nine's coverage," Julia Gillard allegedly says of Election Night. Or does she?

Peter Costello reckons Labor edited some of his comments on Tony Abbott together for one of their campaign ads.

Julia Gillard might be making the same claims over Nine’s promo for its upcoming Election coverage.

Check out where she allegedly says “My message / is to / turn to / Channel Nine’s /coverage.”

There’s another edited line that follows it.

Up there with that Rescue Special Ops promo….


44 Responses

  1. Actually now Julia has somehting in common with Pauline Hanson! Didn’t she have a song edited from her quotes? “I /don’t/like/it! I/have/a circular/driveway.etc”

  2. I Agree with DR TV. Kerry would be spitting swear words! Yes clever promo…but it just lacks jouralistic integrity and stinks of commercial television desperation!

  3. I agree with NBCInsider.
    Is 9 doing serious coverage – or a hollywood blockbuster.
    The ad has made me decide – Not to watch Nine’s coverage.
    Probably look at ABC or Sky News.

  4. Channel 9 has no news credit @ all.

    Is isn’t hard reading from a teleprompter at all.

    I mean i can read words scrolling across a screen and call myself a journalist.

    I mean i could take over Karl and Lisa’s job….they won’t do any of the investigating of hard hitting stories from the night…they’ll read off a screen and that’s a joke

  5. Imagine if the Prime Minister and Mr Abbott were allowed weapons… and then promptly turned them on Seven and Nine.

    Now, that’s election coverage I’d watch, I can just see Karl running away to protect his hair.

  6. Kerry would be rolling in his grave, Nine is a joke and has lost all of it’s journalist integrity it had built throughout the 70’s to the 90’s. Oakes must be wondering why he’s still there.

  7. That promo is laughable.
    One Nine News ad comes on selling experience and trust and the next one comes on selling Nine’s newsteam like Hollywood stars in an action trailer.
    And if you are trying to build credibility for your news brand, editing the PM’s words around and doing it so obviously is a huge istake.
    I can’t believe they put this on the air.

  8. Amanda Meade on her twitter feed wrote: “It’s Channel Nine’s election night promo – or is it a Chaser send up? Hard to tell.”

    I think it’s great!

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