
Rudd lookalike tackles Abbott

Meet Paul Hunt, Kevin Rudd lookalike, who greeted Tony Abbott on Q & A last night.

Meet Paul Hunt, Kevin Rudd lookalike, who welcomed Tony Abbott on Q & A last night with an awkward Chinese greeting.

Hunt said he was often stopped in the street and asked about his resemblance to the former PM.

After several cheeky gags, which host Tony Jones likened to a stand-up routine, Hutt asked the Opposition Leader how he could become more like him.

“I think it would be an impossible transformation,” Abbott replied.

Q & A seems to have a good sense of humour given it has come across Hunt before.

Its website has an “Address to the Nation” from Hunt on its uploaded by a user over a year ago.

Hunt has the look… but does he really have the voice?

12 Responses

  1. This sort of lame jokery should be left to the likes of 7 and 9.

    I’m with Andrew – what a waste of valuable question time.

    And I think last week probably went better because unlike Tony, Julia is actually gifted at public speaking and answering questions on the spot which results in a smooth show.

    Tony’s constant erring, umming and ahhing prove what a brainless fool he really is – competent govt? You? Don’t make me laugh.

  2. Sadly all the forums have been lacking in substance. A lot of people have been trying to ask questions that they don’t understand themselves, i smell rats. The other thing that concerns me is that the younger members or disenfranchised if you like, seem to have very little knowledge of what it is that they are annoyed about or even whom they should be annoyed with !

  3. KRudd lookalike was very lame, Vietnam Vet was the highlight, questions went on toooooo long and verging on speeches. And could it be considered cross-promotion that Annabel Crabb was twittering away?

  4. Q&A was handled much better last week I thought, when Gillard was on. The pace was better, more questions, and Tony actually made her answer the meat of the question instead of meandering off into politico babble.

  5. The questions – and askers – should have been a lot more tightly vetted. Some did speeches, some could hardly speak (nerves are always an unpredictable factor), compared to the previous week it was a bit of a mess.

  6. I thought this was ridiculous, went too long and spoilt the tone of the show. If it was staged, then Q&A made a bit of a blue in my opinion. Also, did anyone vet the questions? So many of them seemed to be speeches verging on personal editorials.

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