
Belinda Heggen gag going global

International media are in mock-outrage over Belinda Heggen's on-air gag but TEN isn't too worried.

Network TEN doesn’t seem to have a problem with it.

But Belinda Heggen’s apparent snipe about the size of Mark Aiston’s member on TEN’s Adelaide News has made it to the international media.

The Huffington Post headline says, “Belinda Heggen Mocks Co-Host Mark Aiston’s Manhood Live On Air.”

E! Online reckons, “Ten News: A Small But Impressive Junk Joke

Movieline notes. “Aussie Newswoman Mocks Co-Anchor’s Penis On Air.”

Perez Hilton even says, “Aussie Reporter Tells The World Her Co-Anchor’s Peen Is Small!”

Heggen has since said she was just getting in first, usually it is Aiston who is dropping the gags on air.

TEN isn’t fazed by it at all.

A spokeswoman said: “Not at all. It was all just a bit of fun and it’s not something she is regretting either.

“Mark doesn’t have a problem with it.”


Source: news.com.au

21 Responses

  1. Reading the entire article a bit too hard for you ‘casting couch’?

    “Heggen has since said she was just getting in first, usually it is Aiston who is dropping the gags on air.”

    If you’ve ever actually watched the show, you’d see he does “throw off at her”.

    But don’t let that stop you desperately holding on to your little male persecution complex (and by that I mean your peen).

  2. @Phoenix727

    Don’t forget Churches.

    I wish 7pm project would have her on the show so She can say whether or not she regrets it and how her relationship is now with her co worker

  3. Yes, it is a bit of lighthearted fun but I cannot but think there would be quite a different response if the gender roles were reversed and some remark had been made re the female’s anatomy/bust size/hair/etc. But we males just go with the flow.

  4. Firstly, i’m appalled you would quote Perez Hilton and provide a link to his site.

    But i don’t see why this is such a big deal and big story. Yes it was funny, but Mark Aiston says so many stupid stuff every night. Just go through every sports report the past month and you’ll cringe.

  5. it’s as if she has had some experience with it and is using the power of television to say ”yes it is small but it aint so impressive”…if only every woman could do that

  6. I think this shows a difference between the News strategy of TEN and the other networks. Seven’s, ABC’s, SBS’s and Nine’s 6pm news would never let their presenters do this. TEN likes to have a bit of fun. I’m not saying one strategy is better than the other, however, if TEN is trying to attract an older demographic, I don’t thnk this is the way to do it. The under 30s would love this, but TEN wants them to watch 11. I’m sure they will try a few more little stunts but if they actually increase their news numbers I will be surprised.

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