
Farmers spill the beans on true romance TV

“Even if you didn’t really have feelings for every girl you had to play it up," says one of Nine's dateless TV farmers.

“Here’s to love, everyone!” toasted Natalie Gruzlewski in last night’s finale of The Farmer Wants a Wife on Nine.

All but one of the 6 farmers was standing beside a new beau, cheerfully celebrating the end of the fairytale series. Of the 6, Farmer Charles was the closest to admitting he had found love while Farmer Kieran lucked out completely.

But today there are reports that tell more than what was portrayed in the series.

Farmer Nick, who selected Tameka, now says the romance lasted just two days and he has now been dating another girl for two months.

“Filming has been finished for three months. For both of us, the sooner it’s over the better,” he tells the Herald Sun.

A Daily Telegraph article digs much deeper into the production with Nick saying he felt like he was acting.

“You know what they want. They want the corny lines where you say ‘you’re beautiful, you’ve got beautiful eyes’ and all that sort of stuff,” he said.

Farmer Mark says, “There were constant cheesy lines saying your feelings for every girl.

“Even if you didn’t really have feelings for every girl you had to play it up so the viewers thought you were interested in all three girls. At times you just felt like being honest and the producers would be like ‘nah don’t say that’.”

Farmer Ben says, “I was finding hard to choose so I didn’t want to rush into one, so I held off a bit, they were going ‘come on, can you do something, we want something,’ you could say they coax you into it, give you a bit of a push and a shove to get something happening.”

Executive Producer Karen Warner insists, “It’s a lot of sitting down and talking to them, we just had to ask them enough questions to get them to feel comfortable, but I think we create a really safe environment for them to open up and say how they feel. We can’t put words in their mouth, they say what they say and in the end it works, it’s one of the most genuine shows on television.”

Next week Nine airs a Reunion that looks back on the show’s previous seasons.

There are more excellent insights in this Daily Telegraph article.

17 Responses

  1. From the moment this show began i thought that this was far fetched and it is. City girls do not belong in the country, they would not be able to cut it. The days and weeks are demanding on a farmer. Having to do all the work and survive when the natural desasters hit them i dont think a city slicker would be able to cope with that. A farmer needs somone who they can rely upon in the bad times and some one to share the good time with aswell. In my opinion city girls are not right for that kind of stuff its a bit of give and take not just take. Prove me wrong prove me wrong.

  2. “… it’s one of the most genuine shows on television.”

    I think she means ‘artificial’. How can prodding guys to open up about feelings they don’t actually have, and pushing them to take their shirts off when some of them are not comfortable with that, be genuine?

    Just over a mill for a finale of this type of show is pretty poor. However, given how the rest of their schedule is going, Nine will probably be happy to take it.

  3. You can’t force fantasies, relationships are natural and occur naturally. It’s never going to be honest when it’s artificial. I’ve rarely ever heard of success in relationships that were brought about by a TV show or radio competitions.

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