
Andrew Bolt has filmed Pilot for TEN

Andrew Bolt is believed to be heading towards a Sunday morning talk programme on TEN which could rival ABC's Insiders.

Andrew Bolt is believed to be heading towards a Sunday morning talk programme on TEN which could rival ABC’s Insiders on which he has appeared for 10 years.

The Australian reports that Bolt has already filmed a Pilot and has a strong supporter in TEN shareholder, mining magnate Gina Rinehart.

Bolt has been one of several commentators utilised by The 7PM Project to supply a point of difference from the younger hosts. But if online forums are any indication, some guests on 7PM who are hired to invest debate, often trigger anger amongst the show’s youthful following.

A regular Bolt programme could see the audience turn even more hostile on the network at an especially vulnerable time.

The move could also raise questions about the power of new board members over Programming.

A TEN spokesperson said: “We’ve enjoyed working with Andrew Bolt on a number of network programs. We think he’s a great talent and we’re always looking at further opportunities for the people we work with.”

53 Responses

  1. “People complain about politians endlessly about having no back bone, backflipping on decisions and not believing in anything. Andrew Bolt does. He might disagree with the popular or safe opinion and he says it.”

    Dan, this might be easier to believe if Bolt ever targeted a Liberal policy or MP as mercilessly as he does Labor. At this point it’s plain to see that every piece of ‘evidence’ he gathers is an adhoc attempt to justify whatever belief he already held (he basically never presents any evidence that conflicts with his views, be it political or scientific). If he was just a fearless purveyor of truth, he wouldn’t be afraid to criticize those on both sides of politics.

  2. “The Australian reports that Bolt has already filmed a Pilot and has a strong supporter in TEN shareholder, mining magnate Gina Rinehart.” Oh well, surprise, surprise! Judging by the reaction he got from 7PM, this is a bad move by TEN. Oh Rinehart, don’t you have enough money that you don’t have to spew your nonsense anymore.

  3. I wonder if anyone from Ten watched last night’s Media Watch – they would have learnt a few things about Mr. Bolt and how credible he really is. Also him getting sued at the moment doesn’t seem to concern them either.

  4. Dan, I’d actually be strongly in favour of Bolt (along with Hadley, Mitchell, Smith and others) getting into politics just to see them put up or shut up. From the position of their media roles they can whinge and moan and claim to offer “common sense” solutions. Being inside the political machine, they’d have to toe the party line, deal with bureacracy, etc… Just look what happened to Peter Garrett when he went from politically-minded muso to straight-jacked pollie, eh?

  5. No way!! Bad bad bad move by 10! (if this goes ahead) Bad enough he has a voice in the newspaper let alone TV.

    @CatFan I agree with David, Ch 10 is the only commercial channel I occasionally watch, and if they do put this show on i will promptly switch off Ch 10 for good.

  6. I agree with CatFan here. I think Andrew Bolt is great for standing up for what he believes in, agree with him or not. Good on him and good on Channel 10.

    People complain about politians endlessly about having no back bone, backflipping on decisions and not believing in anything. Andrew Bolt does. He might disagree with the popular or safe opinion and he says it. And look how this audience has bagged him out for it.

    No wonder our politians are the way they are. They are a true reflection on the people in society…whether we like it or not…

  7. “A regular Bolt programme could see the audience turn even more hostile on the network at an especially vulnerable time.”

    Whilst I agree in theory David, most of that audience will be sleeping off their hangover from yet another big Saturday night to even care.

  8. I just read the Australian report and was amazed to read:
    “Ms Rinehart has also been heard to complain about the alleged left-wing bias of Ten’s popular 7PM Project, and to say the network needs a right-wing Fox News-style show in its line-up.
    Although Bolt has appeared on the show, he has also criticised it, saying a “smug and deadly mindset is one you might find any week on Ten’s 7PM Project”.
    So Rinehart wants Fox news type presenters in Australia.
    How about Alan Jones and Piers Akerman to host a talk show every evening at 7.30?
    I was wondering if Roving enterprises have to listen to Rinehart?

  9. Will Bolt have a blackboard and “talking points”, ala Glenn Beck? And while I can see this rating even less well than Ten’s attempt at an Alan Jones show, I suspect Rinehart’s influence will keep it on the air for longer than one would expect. I’m always puzzled by the idea that ranting hard-right blowhards like Bolt, Devine, Akerman and Albrechtsen “restore balance” to an allegedly left-wing media. How many left-wing shock jocks are there? Or aggressive left-leaning opinion columnists who get Two full pages in major papers?

    I suspect Bolt’s idea of “balance” on his show will be to have left-leaning guests who argue their positions poorly and meekly, like Sean Hannity did with Alan Colmes on FOX News.

  10. We don’t need a television version of right leaning radio shock jocks. This will damage Ten more than them mucking around with new early evening news programs.

  11. The first draft from Channel Ten: “We think he’s a great talent and we’re always looking for further opportunities to provide him a greater platform to vilify people with his baseless sensationalism. A press release to announce his co-host Pauline Hanson follows….”

  12. “A regular Bolt programme could see the audience turn even more hostile on the network at an especially vulnerable time.” What an absurd comment, David, that says a lot more about your thought processes than anything about Andrew Bolt.

    Can see your version of diversity of comment is a pretty skewered one, or are you advocating Ten have a homogeneous opinion policy,

    And on the subject of ‘Board power’ over programming, Rinehart is on the Board because she is an Owner of the company so wonder what what planet you live on where an owner can’t have a say in the operation of their company.

  13. David, I hope you send some of the comments about the previous story you did on Andrew Bolt to to Channel 10 news department .It may make them realise how unpopular Bolt’s appearance on Sunday morniing Televion would be with a younger demographic.But are they too scared of Gina Rinehart to drop the show?

    1. Mark: Networks monitor the site enough without me needing to send. They can decide for themselves.

      CatFan: just looking on the comments here I think I have made a judgement on where the audience is at, but you’re entitled to disagree with it. Of course board members weigh into the performance /direction of their company. Kerry used to pick up the phone a lot. We’re watching some shifts and power plays and time will tell whether the audience warms to these.

  14. I’ll stick with Insiders thanks. All Bolt seems to do is rant that Labor is bad, Liberal is good but offers no rationale. Just the same drivel everytime, Labor bad, Liberal good. Can’t stand him and definite does not deserve a political voice. Hope 7PM get rid of him. I’m all for an alternative view, but if you want to be a political commentator, bias is not welcome.

  15. Ten has no credibilty if they hire Bolt to represent the views of Gina Rinehart.
    That’s what happens when the likes of riight wing propieters (Murdoch) comes to mind, have a huge say in programming.The younger demographics will avoid his show like tyhe plague.

  16. It’s official – the world as we know it has completely lost the plot if we are considering paying this ‘person’ for his vile, uninformed, un-researched, non fact based drivel.

    Didn’t channel 10 have Meet the Press? Maybe they should have kept that if they wanted to rival Insiders.

    I have said it before and I’ll say it again – brace yourselves for Fox Lite people!

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