
Ex-Arts exec at ABC weighs into debate

A former head of arts and entertainment at the ABC isn't happy at the loss of Art Nation.

Debate about the ABC’s coverage of the Arts continues with an opinion piece appearing in today’s Australian from Michael Shrimpton, who was head of arts and entertainment from 1981 to 1988 and from 1995 to 1998.

Shrimpton was also the man who conceived Countdown and became its original Executive Producer.

Responding to Mark Scott’s recent statements that the loss of Art Nation does not mean a diminishing of its charter, Shrimpton says ABC used to offer much more, including Review, a half-hour magazine program which offered an ongoing conversation with arts practitioners.

He writes:

This dialogue with the industry is an important role, given the lack of detailed coverage of the sector in our news bulletins, where they are usually regarded as “soft stories” and bumped with alacrity.

Designated arts magazine programming such as Art Nation, and Review before it, provided a protective zone and were smack on charter.

The arts unit also produced features across the board throughout the year. For 13 years, in prime time — 7.30pm on summer Sunday nights — we had the Summer Season of opera, ballet and symphony performances, local and international.

I welcome the recent announcement that, finally, another agreement has been reached with Opera Australia. Where would the world of opera be now but for the efforts of ABC directors in producing the Joan Sutherland archive?

I list these things to illustrate “presence”. It was clear and clearly ABC. I’m wondering if there is a clear understanding of the remit that is public service broadcasting. It’s about the service, stupid.

You can read more of his thoughts at The Australian.

3 Responses

  1. Good on Michael Shrimpton for speaking up – won’t do any good – but props to him for challenging the status quo. I had the privilege of working with him on Review, and there was an executive who knew how to lead and inspire. Not to mention the iconic Countdown and numerous arts and light ent series over 2 decades that he created and nurtured. The horse has bolted. Sad, but true.

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