
Auditions: Picture This

Psst! Wanna get paid to interview movie stars, review movies and attend red carpet events?

GO! will air a new branded entertainment show Picture This with Quickflix on Sunday arvos from November.

While the host hasn’t yet been announced there is currently a contest being held for a presenting role interviewing movie stars, reviewing movies and DVD releases, and attending red carpet events. It comes with a fee of $1,200 per week for five weeks.

Produced by Adfarm, the show will premiere November 6th at 1.30pm on GO!

To apply you’ll have to upload a video of a 30 second move review via their Sofa to Screen Facebook page.

5 Responses

  1. why do these competition bozos think it is some sort of achievement to interview temporarily famous people who themselves have nothing to contribute to society except hot air and mindless drivel ?

  2. @ Secret Squirrel…I am going to promise to upload a video in HD, then change my mind to SD and then without telling them at the very last minute revert to HD. I may also review HP6 & HP2 and just merge the review into one and see if they notice….

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