
Returning: Glee

The good news: Glee is back. The bad news: Where it's back.

Glee is returning to TEN later this month, but it appears to have been downgraded by the network.

It will air a new episode -bizarrely- at 7pm Friday January 27th.

While it’s fair to say the show doesn’t necessarily pull the numbers it used to, I am at a loss to explain why you would screen the show:

a) out of ratings
b) on a Friday
c) at 7pm

Hope TEN know what they are doing.

Because I sure don’t….

49 Responses

  1. What? This makes no sense? I thought they’d properly strip TBL at 7pm, for half hour per night. So with this not happening, the confusion is already starting for when to watch TBL.
    I gave up on Glee at the end of season 3, but why even bother trying to watch it now, its been on almost every night of the week in every time slot available. Move it to Eleven at 8:30 Sundays, so the young viewers can watch that after the new family shows on Ten.

  2. Maybe I’m wrong but I thought 10 wouldn’t play the Christmas episode because it was out of the ratings period.

    No doubt it will move after a week, maybe 2 because of low ratings. 10 seem to make this show a self fulfilling prophecy. Nobody wants to watch it so we’ll move it and then nobody watches it because we are yet again screwed around.

    10 really are the new 9.

  3. They’d be better off airing a lifestyle show since Seven are moving Better Homes to Thursdays. Maybe a scaled down “How To” version of The Renovators keeping Brendan Moar as host and the judges as presenters. Perhaps they could travel to the homes of “ordinary Australians” and help them out with reno projects, gardens and interior design. A bit risky using The Renovators brand, but it did have a loyal following from the people who gave it a chance.

  4. That truly is a bizarre timeslot.

    I didn’t realise that it had been rating so badly that they no want to kill it off. Even then, wouldn’t it be better to move it to Eleven?

  5. I think Rutzie is on the money here.

    Stupid decision to move Glee to Fridays. They’ll be lucky to get 600k. The next episode they have yet to air with Santana coming out to her family is one of the best episodes the show has ever done.

    This show still has a lot of life left in it and Ten are killing it, just like they did with TBYG, H50 Modern Family and all their other series

  6. And this is why i stopped watching Glee on Ten. And this is why the ratings for the show have dropped. Yet another new day and timeslot for the show. Another year but the same old idiotic crap decision making from Ten. Don’t know why Glee fans would bother with Ten. Who knows what timeslot it will be in next.

  7. Worst programming decision ever!

    Do Ten realise that most of their target audience who will watch Glee don’t watch TV on Friday nights and who does will more then likely be watching H&A on 7 anyway

    Way to kill off a good show Ten

  8. That Channel just gets more bizarre each day.
    What the hey….?
    these are grown adults making the strangest decision, anyone would think it to be intentional it’s that silly…

  9. They still have 2 eps to air which already aired in the US last year (I think it’s 2..), perhaps they are burning off those 2 before the “new” episodes start coming in?

  10. It doesn’t pull the numbers, because the format has run it’s race, reason why my family stopped watching it, especially when the singing was electronically enhanced to make them sound better than they are.

  11. They should move it to 11 where it can be their centerpiece show and be appreciated. And get a better slot. It will obviously need another new slot once masterchef starts.

  12. That is bizarre thing to do. This year is not looking good with some of the decisions ten have already made this year. It looks like 2011 all over again.

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