
Molly deserved better than this

Why did Sunday Night have to stage a tacky re-enactment of Molly Meldrum's accident?

Many years ago Nine insulted Molly Meldrum with a shameful TV Roast in which celebrities dropped tasteless gags about him while he sat there as a shocked guest of honour.

Last night Seven aired a tacky re-enactment of his accident in December on Sunday Night.

A body lay curled up on the ground while another actor played out a phone call made by Meldrum’s longtime personal assistant Yael Cohn (who also gave an interview to Seven). I’m surprised they didn’t have hit hat laying beside him…

Others played the part of paramedics taking Meldrum off to hospital.

Television may be a visual medium, but this sensationalist stuff for one of their own, who is currently in a vulnerable state, was unnecessary.

There is enough footage of Meldrum to fill out ten Sunday Nights without resorting to this sort of stuff.

Wouldn’t it have been better use of the time to have a safety expert tell us just how many home accidents involved people climbing ladders last year? Nah, that’s nowhere near as eye-catching.

I guess we can rest assured that those close to Molly will have ensured he didn’t see this rubbish.

13 Responses

  1. I agree az j. I didn’t find it tacky at all. It was great story. I think Sunday Night has really raised the bar when it comes to this sort of thing. 60 Minutes is going downhill like a train that has lost its brakes.

  2. Totally agree – the re-enactments were un-necessary.

    I think we all know what it looks like when someone falls off a ladder and is in an ambulance!

    I had been wondering how he was going, so was interested in the interviews, but the re-enactments were just tacky.

  3. I dont agree at all. I think it was a great story from the people close to Molly. I am sure they would have been aware of the dramatisation of what happened.

    In fact, the entire hour of television last night that Sunday Night delivered was compelling.

  4. Tacky. – He was just used as product to reel in viewers, Seven would be happy as the “re-inactments” help pad out the “story” over 2 segments to get more ad revenue.

    I found it interesting that the only re-inactment that was labelled as such was the one in the second segment, ( visiting Molly in intensive care ) . The ones of him supposedly falling weren’t labeled at all , but I’m sure this would of been a mistake in production, or at least thats what the excuse would be.

    I don’t normally watch this genre of program and their treatment of Molly in this story doesn’t make me want to watch any more.

  5. Couldnt agree more David, I tweeted this last night – I felt it really detracted from an otherwise fairly good story, the reconstructions were overly dramatic to the point it was comical. Hard to take it seriously. What a shame.

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