
Networks attend LA screenings

Updated: All three commercial networks have bagged US shows with Aussie actors.

Network programmers have been busy in the US recentlyat the LA screenings.

The Australian today reports on several titles and where they are headed on Aussie networks. All three commercial networks have bagged shows with Aussie actors.

Elementary, starring Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu.
Beauty and the Beast, starring Jay Ryan and Kristin Kreuk.
Vegas starring Dennis Quaid.
Friend Me,
The New Normal,
Ben and Kate,

1600 Penn 

The Following, starring Kevin Bacon.
Anger Management starring Charlie Sheen.
666 Park Avenue starring Rachael Taylor.
Golden Boy,

Red Widow starring Radha Mitchell (pictured).
Zero Hour starring Anthony Edwards and Jacinda Barrett.

16 Responses

  1. TEN have some great shows there! I don’t care about Elementary but Ben and Kate looked both charming and hilarious from the trailer and ‘Friend Me’ starring McLovin from Superbad/Role Models could also be a solid hit for CBS. I wonder if they’ll get The Mob Doctor as well.

    Not a fan of “Vegas” or “Zero Hour”, both looked rubbish from the trailer IMO. And surely Seven have more than two series?

  2. @Josh777

    That is the Australian’s word not Seven’s word on GCB. They are the ones expecting it to be heavily promoted, not Seven. They use the word “expected” which is journo’s talk for “we are making this up but its what i think will happen”. lol

  3. All these shows and yet only one or two will complete their run in the same time slot here in Oz. Most will flop and get stuffed around the schedule, the digi channels or not even make it to air. Don’t hold your breath folks

  4. “Seven’s first offensive is likely to be Revenge-style soap Good Christian Belles/Bitches, which is expected to be promoted heavily to debut after the Olympics.” GCB was axed only having 10 episodes and yet Seven want to have it as a post-Olympic hit? Once again Seven making a decision to prioritise a new series and putting long running series on the back burner (as can be seen with How I Met Your Mother being dropped a mere 5 episodes prior to the season finale).
    @ The_Flash – I totally agree about Arrow (even though Americans are just getting plain lazy leaving off “The Green” from the title). It should have gone to ELEVEN seems though they had Smallville’s last seasons as well as currently having Being Human and Supernatural

  5. Channel 9 has the rights for Arrow? The way they treated smallville, I suspect the same thing will happen with this show! Arrow is based on the dc comics character, Green Arrow, I suspect it will end up on Go(prob from the start).

  6. I love how the article says from David Mott “We’re happy we’ve got the No 1 new US drama out of the new season. It’s just a terrific, big drama that I can see being around for five to six years”. I seriously laugh at that because there has been no airings of these shows yet and we all know what has happened with supposedly buzz shows in the past. They have been axed before we know it. Look at this year, everyone said Once and Revenge would be flops, turned out they were the #1 and #2 new dramas of the year. So i suppose we will see. Seven’s list is obviously longer than that as i have Seven gaining 15 new shows due to their current output deals with ABC Studios and Universal TV.

  7. 666 Park Avenue is a similar genre to American Horror Story, and probably wont work on Nine, that’s if they plan to air it and not wait two years then shove it at 11:47pm on GO!

  8. So Nine doesn’t have Revolution? Or they are not talking about it if they have, so it will probably be onsold to Foxtel. Very disappointing.

  9. @ Craig – I agree that Beauty & The Beast should be on ELEVEN but do you think TEN are smart enough to put it there? TEN seem to put too much on their primary channel that everyone but them can see won’t work and then they bump it to where it should have been the entire time. Time will tell I guess…

  10. A lot of this years shows seem to be sci-fi but definitely worth a look. The only ones I have no interest in are The Following, Red Widow and Elementary. The rest will make the upcoming season very enjoyable (especially to see Lana Lang from Smallville back on the small screen). But I can see FX Australia kicking a stink about Nine getting Anger Management as they were all about “day and date” new series and now they have one less to show exclusively. They need to diversify quick otherwise their going to sink!

  11. Elementary could be okay but I doubt it will last out the first season, Beauty and the Beast is better suited for ch11, Vegas could work on the main TEN channel.

    Not seen promos for the others…

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