
Airdate: Lennonyc

STUDIO screens the Australian premiere of Lennonyc, a documentary on John Lennon's time living in New York City.

Tonight STUDIO screens the Australian premiere of Lennonyc, a documentary on John Lennon’s time living in New York City.

It airs at 8:30pm following Classic Albums which takes a behind-the-scenes look at Tom Petty’s third album Damn The Torpedoes at 7:30pm.

When John Lennon died in December 1980, the Liverpool-born musician had been living in New York for nine years. He moved
to the Big Apple following the breakup of The Beatles and the British media’s relentless aversion to his wife, Yoko Ono.

Lennon’s involvement in the anti-Vietnam War movement prompted the US government to investigate deporting the artist, while his traumatic split with Yoko resulted in booze-fuelled exploits in Los Angeles.

This film documents how he found his way back to the east coast, to Yoko, fatherhood and music.

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