
My Kitchen Rules …at least three more weeks

Pace yourself if you are a fan of MKR -the show has at least another three weeks to go. Minor Spoiler.

2013-04-05_1604Minor Spoiler: Pace yourself if you are a fan of My Kitchen Rules, the show has at least another three weeks to go.

This Sunday night Colin Fassnidge welcomes 4 teams to his own restaurant 414 and tells contestants: “Over the next three Sundays as teams are eliminated from Kitchen HQ they’ll enter these doors to compete for a place back in the competition.”

Sunday editions are 2 hour MasterChef-style service challenges for paying customers known as Comeback Kitchen (or as Fassnidge calls it, “Kom-back Kitchen”) filmed last November.

Three more weeks sound like an awful lot of cooking and it’s clear the show has been strategised to take on The Voice blind auditions. We only need to look at Australia’s Got Talent being killed off by its rival to see why.

So far the ratings have stayed very high for MKR but media scribes have been despairing at the seemingly endless season.

Whether MKR actually wraps up in the week of April 21 isn’t yet clear.

22 Responses

  1. Will not watch the voice, get rid of Delta, have heard some pretty horrible things about her judging although she appears Miss goody two shoes, and the show is rigged, the show will do well but certainly wont have my viewing.

  2. Love MKR think its great family entertainment. I cant get enough of it . The more episodes the better. This is one show we can all watch as a family . The contestants are wonderful the cooking is sensational.

  3. I’m half deaf in my right ear, tone deaf in my left ear, and not keen on the B/S that the judges on The Voice dish up, so it looks like I’ll stick with MKR, if only to see how long before the novelty wears off for the Big Fella from Tazzie this time, who seems to lose interest fairly quickly if he does not get his own way.
    But I still can’t put up with Kochie and Mel or who ever?, on Sunrise, chatting away with eliminated contestants, as if it did only happen the night before?
    It also looks like beards are the way to go for many of the stars, after the series has long been finished?, and if its to avoid recognition does that mean that Mannu has shaved his off?

    To those raising Seven’s over promotion of MKR, obviously do not watch Sunrise’s almost daily dose of “Over Promotion” with 31/2 hours of coming up’s and promo’s of a 5 to 7 minute segment, that lately finally shows up sometimes even after 9am… But their exploitation of their “One Direction” exclusive announcement last week, that spread over 2 days was one of their biggest promoted ‘Non Events” ever

  4. Over 2 million watching…Seven giving the public what they want….?!?
    One has to despair for Bob Hawkes vision of the ‘clever country’… :roll:

  5. I wouldn’t normally comment as dramality shows are not my thing and anything I’d have to say about MKR has been already said, but they’ve just had Poindexter Snr & Jnr on V8Xtra to promote MKR.

    I know I’m wasting my time but I object in the strongest terms to my sport being infected by other shows that happen to be on the same network.

  6. Quite frankly i am over so called reality tv? …… its rubbish and insulting. We have more channels than ever before and less scripted drama to watch.

    Thank goodness for abc, sbs and yes Foxtel!

  7. I have never ever watched MKR & don’t intend to.Even as a non viewer I cringed when I saw the ads to say that they were bringing contestants back.

    I Can’t wait for The Voice to start on Sunday & kill MKR in the ratings. Imagine The Voice getting to the final stages & than bringing back contestants for another shot at winning.

    I know the The Voice will be set for a longer format as each team this year is 14 rather that the 12 last year.

    Seven you have just killed the golden goose …Thank God.

  8. The longer MKR goes, the better, as far as i’m concerned. I could watch it all year round. I have no plans of watching The Voice as I cannot stand the theatrics from the judges, especially the uber-fake Delta.

  9. Aaliyah, I’m with you. While many analysts have labelled The X Factor a “tiring” format, I still feel the show has a lot of stamina and life left in it.

    It may not be a ratings powerhouse like other programs but its viewership is sustainable and I find it more genuine.

  10. Over 2 million people have been watching this program on many occasions. Seven is giving the public what they want. I don’t have any problems with what Seven is doing, even though I’ve never watched it myself. If it”s overkill, who really cares?

  11. I for one am totally over this habit networks have of stripping all their major franchises. The three commercial networks are sooo boring now, with only a few big shows filling most of the prime time slots we get less new programs than ever before. Thank God there’s still variety on Foxtel and ABC, SBS.

  12. David, I will agree that Seven’s promo department have been misleading at times this season. Calling MKR’s return after Easter ‘The Finals’ when really there’s a lot more of the show to go is crazy let along some of the so-called ‘dramas’ which were only minor things

  13. Jeff, David isn’t the lone person commenting on the length of the current series “My Kitchen Rules”. Countless others have posted analogous views.

    In saying this, you’re completely right. Other reality programs tend to run for 13 weeks. “The Voice” ran for eight weeks last year though it would be safe to hedge your bets on it running much longer. To start with, it’s going to air four nights a week, notably 7pm weeknights as opposed to 7:30pm. I personally can’t wait for viewer fatigue to kick in.

    David, while I can’t provide this with certainty, I’ve heard “Celebrity Splash” is set to debut on April 28.

  14. David, with all due respect you have been the only one from the various websites I visit regularly complaining about MKR’s length. Yes it feels longer seeing MKR has traditionally had shorter runs, but most reality shows like Big Brother and X Factor go for three/three and a bit months IIRC. I don’t see why there’s a problem all of a sudden with MKR not reaching similar lengths yet?

    About the battle with The Voice, anyone who says it will be a blowout one way or another in my opinion is kidding. I actually think it will be tight between the two and the lead might change night-by-night. I could be completely wrong and one show comes out with a massive advantage although I doubt it. MKR judging by the ratings has a solid and loyal fanbase who I think will stay until the end, while The Voice doesn’t have the hype and intrigue the first season has.

    1. Jeff maybe I’ve read a wider variety of articles, including Fairfax today. I acknowledge the bumper numbers (I even happily blogged on it yesterday) so maybe media are in the minority. But so far I don’t feel like I have been seeing anything new in the episodes. AGT also seemed to drag on forever last year with multiple semi-finals. I don’t think Seven promoting “Finals” week for MKR really helped. Just when is Finals week?

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