
On Hiatus

A two-week mid year hiatus begins today.

on-hiatus largeToday begins a two week mid-year Hiatus for TV Tonight.

This will mean fewer stories posted, and some delays to ratings and comments approval. There will be limited weekend posts during this time.

Apologies for any inconvenience and your patience is appreciated.

Your continued support is integral to the success of my site, which remains a one-man, independent site.



32 Responses

  1. Enjoy…and have sleep in on these chilly mornings…
    Although …even when you are on hiatus…I barely know you are gone…
    Have a good one… 🙂

  2. Hmm. Well I hope you actually have a break this time David. “Hiatus” for you usually means that you do the same amount of work but only post comments twice a day 😉
    Why don’t you really kick back and relax for once? We’ll still be here when you get back.

  3. What the hell…

    Surely it is not unreasonable to expect that you are working on this site all day and all night, 7 days a week? Comments should be approved or ditched within 10 minutes of being submitted.

    Hiatus….holiday even….c’mon D-Knox you are slacking a bit

    South Pacific is good at this time of the year

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