
TV still preferred entertainment form

TV is still the preferred form of entertainment over other media, and multitasking is still on the rise.

2013-06-14_0141TV is still the preferred form of entertainment over other media according to a new survey.

The Deloitte State of the Media Survey based ran an online survey of 2,000 Australians aged 14 to 75, meaning all the respondents were already regular users of the internet.

So it’s no surprise then that the numbers for second-screen and use of digital devices was therefore pretty high.

63 per cent ranked live TV in their top three leisure pursuits, while 44 per cent included social and personal internet use. But fewer than half of 14-to-23-year-olds ranked it in their top three.

Multitasking activites while watching TV included browsing online, using social media, emailing and texting.

78 per cent of people aged 14 to 29 see their smartphones as an entertainment device.

“More than a quarter of Australians own a laptop, a tablet and a smartphone and we multitask with them,” Deloitte media partner Clare Harding.

But 29 per cent of Australians still do nothing else when watching TV.

I still think the numbers would be vastly different if the respondents weren’t already high-users of the internet, but it nevertheless gives us another indication of the way our viewing habits are changing.

Source: AAP, News Limited

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