
Legal case on The Checkout heard in court

A court has heard a defamation case following an episode of ABC's The Checkout, filed by Swisse founder Avni Sali.

6cktUPDATED: A Defamation case filed by Swisse founder Avni Sali against Craig Reucassel, Julian Morrow, and CJZ executive producer Nick Murray and the ABC, following an episode of The Checkout was heard in court today.

A Fairfax report has initially claimed Supreme Court Justice David Beach dismissed an application to strike out the lawsuit, but this has been contradicted in a statement by producers CJZ as follows:

The judge struck out all of Dr Sali’s imputations today, but Dr Sali is free to replead if he chooses. The headline to the SMH article is also misleading – the judge did not refuse to strike out, rather he did strike out. What he refused to do was give summary judgment to the defendants (by way of explanation, the defendants sought both an order that Dr Sali’s imputations be struck out (which was granted) and an order for summary judgment (which was not granted).

The ABC and other defendants were in fact largely successful in today’s judgment, which is reflected in the fact that Dr Sali was ordered to pay 70% of our costs.

As the SMH article currently stands, it gives the impression the judge found wholly in Dr Sali’s favour, which was clearly not the case.


10 Responses

  1. I hope Mr Sali doesn’t watch The Big Bang Theory
    “Well, there’s some value to taking a multi-vitamin but the human body can only absorb so much. What you’re buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine.” Sheldon on Penny buying vitamins

  2. Is this just another ‘ good ‘ example of ‘ bad ‘ reporting by those who live by getting the first word in, and casting the first doubt, by never letting facts spoil ‘ their ‘ story, especially when they can muddy the waters and in this particular situation, could this actually be the result of consuming to many overhyped and overpriced complementary medicines?, but always trying in hope of darkening the reputation of the ABC and the Chasers Team

  3. The Fairfax report is an incoherent mess. It was difficult to figure out what was going on but it looked like the ABC made a motion to dismiss which failed.

    Amusingly the Checkout read out the disclaimer for Dr Sali’s own paper on air. So his case was basically that he defamed himself.

    It is just a case of the rich and powerful abusing the legal system as intimidation to silence critics. And the ABC has had to pay 30% of costs with tax payer money for telling the truth!

  4. Vitamins only make your wee more expensive but the cheek of Swisse to have a go re: defamation makes the Checkout an awesomely researched an presented bit of work

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